Sensatia Botanicals Violet and Geranium Hand Hydrate - Beauty Review

Sensatia Botanicals

Violet and Geranium Hand Hydrate

Rp. 125.000



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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

28 Jul 2024

kittylestrange91 recommends this product!

I'm super picky with hand cream tbh, Karena kebanyakan tuh malah bikin tangan jadi berminyak" ngga enak gitu dan malah bikin Aku ngerasa tanganku Kotor banget Karena semuanya nempel di tangan. I got this as a gift, and jujur ini pertama Kali nya Aku pake produk nya sensatia botanicals ini. Aku dikasih yg violet & geranium Sama yg petal & rind, cuma yg Aku pake yg ini dulu Karena wanginya jujur ngga terlalu enak, definitely herbal, tapi ya gitu wangi" khas geranium lah. Melembabkan? Iya banget, jadi Aku pake ini sebelum tidur. Oily sedikit tapi ngga ganggu, Karena nyerap nya juga cepet. Teksturnya cream tapi agak light. Wanginya juga lumayan awet.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

01 Aug 2021

richienakata recommends this product!

I have been keeping my hands really close to this beautiful hand cream from Sensatia Botanicals, a brand that I have come to have so much love for throughout the years. I first tried their hand cream (also in Violet & Geranium) through a gift package that I received from @eatandtreats a while ago and it has been lovely since first encounter. They also have another variant (Petal & Rind Hands Divine) and I always alternate between both (been doing so for more than a year now). Violet & Geranium evokes quite a strong green, powdery and slightly peppery scent; earthy and herbaceous which dominantly leans towards geranium and powdery facet of violet. Just imagine crushing a geranium leaf with powdery violet (which oil acts as a natural antiseptic) between your fingers, yet also having touches of lavender and rosemary in the background. This blend of hand hydrate is rich in oils like coconut oil, kukui nut oil, wheat germ oil and avocado oil which deliver deep moisture to treat dry hands. This is also formulated with shea butter, beeswax, and various plant extracts. With all being said, no wonder that this one treats dryness really well! You might not get used to the scent at first (the Petal & Rind one may be more friendly with its fresher citrus-floral facets). However, I think this one is the better one to go with if you have dryer or even cracked skin condition. It is really nourishing due to how abundant the formulation is in fine occlusives, oils, as well as Vitamin E. I really love how this hand cream really richly moisturizes the hands and cuticles; lasting for many more hours compared to hand creams that I have tried within the similar range. I find most hand creams to be not sufficient in overall performance, so this has been one of my best finds. Due to its heavier and richer nature, this is perfect for use at night time (before going to bed) as it nourishes the hands overnight while still keeping the moisture going until the next morning (even afternoon). Yet, I do not find any problems to use it at any time of the day, especially during these days at home. Since it is packed with lots of oils, this may be a just a little oily or greasy within application until a bit of time before setting into a smooth, velvety texture to the hands. I would say that this hand cream is bang for the buck—the best at its price range in my opinion. Not to mention, plus points for the brand's aesthetic and sustainability aspects. The only drawback from this hand cream would most likely be its scent as I can imagine most needing to adapt with it. It would definitely be really nice if they can offer variants with more lovely scents to give out better impression (especially ones like their Jasmine Sambac and Calming range—which I adore). If you fancy trying both variants of the hand cream, you can opt for their Hand Cream Mini Collection (with both variants at travel-friendly 20mL each). Make sure to always bring back all of your used product packaging to their outlet for their recycle program (in exchange for points which can then be redeemed for vouchers). Always so much love for Sensatia Botanicals!

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

26 May 2021

raissaura recommends this product!

Iseng banget sebenernya beli produk ini karena liat ada diskon bundle gitu di shopee, dan emg lagi pengen explore green beauty juga😆 Packagingnya lumayan kecil gitu, kalo dari segi aesthetic ini lucu banget sih apalagi warnanya. Kalo dari segi harga emg masih agak mahal tapi aku jujur maklum karena green product emg biasanya lebih mahal. Formulanya aku suka bangetttt, hydrating parah! Cukup thick jadi emg ga terlalu cepet nyerep ke kulit. Yang paling aku kurang suka adalah wanginya, serius aku ga suka banget sama wanginya :) Strong dan cukup mengganggu, aku gatau apa emg semua produk natural itu wanginya akan kaya gini. Wanginya emg herb banget, agak pahit(?) susah ngejelasinnya tapi intinya aku ga suka aja sama wanginya. Pertama kali pake aku emg agak kecewa karena ga sesuai ekspektasi aja sih sama wanginya. Aku jarang pake akhirnya karena ga suka banget sama wanginya yg cukup strong ini

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



40 - 44

Oily, Light, Neutral

31 Aug 2020

lisasengkey recommends this product!

Aku beli yg Mini Collection isinya 2 varian aroma @20ml. Yg mini collection ini mnrtku cocok as a small gift krn kemasannya paper box terkesan eksklusif. Hand creamnya sendiri dikemas dlm tube bahan metal spt pada umumnya produk Sensatia Botanicals. Tekstur krimnya cukup padat, butuh wkt utk meresap & terasa rich bgt alias berminyak di tangan, tapi tdk lengket. Cocok bgt buat yg kulit tangannya memang kering bgt & butuh kelembaban ekstra. Kalo dari segi aroma aku bisa bilang kalo ini bukan tipeku. Violet & Geranium ini bener2 aroma bunga "mentah" bukan wangi bunga pada umumnya di produk kecantikan. Aroma awalnya cukup nyegrak bagiku, sptnya aroma geranium(?). Lama kelamaan melembut & tercium aroma lavender.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

16 Jun 2020

sitiriska doesn't recommend this product!

Teksturnya thick banget jadi agak lengket klo udh diaplikasiin tapi wanginya enak banget wangi dan cukup melembabkan. Kemasannya yg kayak dr lapisan besi (?) atau apa gatau pastinya juga jadi kekurangannya sih menurut gua jadi agak ga bagus aja klo isinya udh berkurang jadi buluk gitu haha

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

29 May 2020

cynlala doesn't recommend this product!

melembabkan sih dan agak dingin2 enak waktu dipakai. cuma baunya ga suka :(. karena aku suka sama bau geranium makanya kubeli. menurut aku bau geraniumnya kecium sama sekali :( . cuma lama2 dikulit baunya berubah. plusnya ini melembabkan

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Brand website



35 - 39

Oily, Medium, Neutral

01 Jul 2019

Beli ini udah agak lama. Emang gw dasarnya males pake hand cream. Sampe baru2 ini telapak tangan tumben kering luar biasa sampe pecah2 serem gitu. Akhirnya ditengok juga hand cream yang satu ini. Ya..pasti gw boong lah kalo gw bilang langsung ilang pecah2nya hehehe...tentu engga...abis itu konsisten gw pake. Setiap berasa kering, dipake. Akhirnya setelah kurang lebih seminggu pake, baru deh menampakkan hasil. Tangan jadi lebih lembab. Kulit telapak yg tadinya pecah2 udah engga lagi. Balik lagi kalo aroma sih selera ya. Tapi kalo gw dan temen sebelah meja gw bilang wanginya enak. Oya,Aloe vera jdi ingredients kedua dari produk ini loh. Ingredients ketiganya coconut oil.Mungkin ini bisa jadi pertimbangan kamu buat beli.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Aug 2018

Wanginya gak terlalu menyengat dan pas dipakai berasa lembut bgt tangan. Gak kering dan tahan seharian. Kulit tangan ak yg kering bgt kutikulanya rada kalem nd soft. Okey bgt. cuman sayanh harganya agak kurang bersahabat. Aku beli yg seri travel size jadi bisa ditaruh di tiap tas.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

20 Jun 2018

Sebenernya ini hand cream yang bagus. Melembabkan dan mengandung centella asiatica jadi bisa mengurangi inflamasi. Baunya agak menyengat dan ngga terlalu enak. Kalau ngga nemu yang lebih bagus mungkin akan repurchase.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



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