Innisfree Jeju Daphne Blossom Hand Cream - Beauty Review


Jeju Daphne Blossom Hand Cream

Rp. 50.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

25 Dec 2017

Memang hand cream ini ga menampilkan adanya kandungan shea, tapi hand cream ini enak bingitsss. Mungkin memang tidak selalu hand cream yang ada shea yang bisa bikin tangan lembut yaa. Selain itu, produknya juga ekonomis, ga besar. Bisa dibawa ke mana2 tanpa makan banyak tempat :)



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

15 May 2016

The texture of Innisfree's Jeju daphne blossom hand cream is like none other, it's
thick and looks creamy, but it's heavy. It's very smooth and dry hands
will just drink it up. The hand creams do an amazing job at moisturizing
without the stickiness and come in so many wonderful scents that make
it something you would actually want to use and reapply often. The fragrance lingers for half an hour while the hand remains
moisturized for 2-3 hours. If you happen to wash your hands in between
with water, it still keeps the hands moisturized for that 2-hour span.



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Warm

08 Mar 2016

Pertama kali pake ini pas dapet oleh oleh dari temen yang balik dari Korea, wanginyaaa enaak bangeeet dan pas dipake gak lengket sama sekali tapii kulit tangan tetap lembab..ini selalu ada di tas ku dan gak pernah keluar, sebenernya juga punya yang varian lain tapi inii favorite ku bangeeeet



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

24 Oct 2015

suka sama wangi hand cream ini dan varian lainnya, wanginya soft dan lumayan awet di tangan. teksturnya lebih mirip kayak serum lotion gitu daripada cream, karena langsung menyerap di kulit dan nggak meninggalkan rasa lengket/mengganggu gitu. so far suka banget sih pake hand cream innisfree ini



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

18 Sep 2015

I looove love love this product. Kulit badan apalagi tanganku kering banget sampe busik di punggung tangannya but I hate putting anything on my hand soalnya jadi berasa tangannya kotor terus karena lengket. But this one doesn't. Quickly absorbed even though the texture is super thick, and makes my skin so smooth. On the website reviews, people said the scent is so strong but for me, this is quite mild? I mean ini wangi banget, dan wanginya kenceng, tapi karena aromanya lembut jadi gak berasa ngeganggu. Oh yeah this smells like some kind of flowers with mixture of fresh fruits but I can't identify what. I'm not familiar with daphne blossom so I don't know if the scent is true to its title. But considering this is Innisfree, I take that emang wangi Daphne Blossom aslinya ya kaya gini :))

Not to mention that the size is small enough with unique packaging, kayak cat air. It fits the palm of my hand perfectly, dan aku bisa masukin ini bahkan ke clutch kecil buat dibawa-bawa and I can reapply whenever my hands feel dry. Would repurchase but I kinda want to try other scent soalnya penasaran xD