The Wet Brush Mini Rare Botanic Purple - Beauty Review

The Wet Brush

Mini Rare Botanic Purple

More Brush & Comb on



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35 - 39

Dry, Medium, Neutral

11 Dec 2023

Kynulia recommends this product!

Sisir ajaib.. ini udah pembelian ke2 aku.. bingung knp bisa lembut banget bener2 rambut kekusut apapun bs langsung rapih dan tanpa kerasa sakit atau ketarik rambutnya.. aku pake ke anakku yg rambutnya kriwil2 langsung rapih dan anaknya ga kesakitan.. super worth to buy!

The Wet Brush Mini Rare Botanic Purple imgfdn-f8762640-f192-45d6-bf85-76b8a5f47398-2511399 1

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Normal, Medium, Warm

17 Sep 2023

nananarfh recommends this product!

i decided to repurchase this product but the mini version, bcs its easier to bring it when traveling. to anyone who says “all dectangle / hair brush are same” nope, u should try this one. my hair type is super flat-straight but tangle easily, and this brush can remove the knots without causing damage. this brush is so gentle but firm at some point, and it so gentle on scalp. totally worth to buy!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

30 Aug 2023

lilipud recommends this product!

Belum lama beli yg motif ini tapi sayang banget ada cacat di bodynya jd aku ksh ke saudara aku. Motifnya bagus warnanya beneran mirip sama yg di gambar. Fungsinya sama ya kayak mini wet brush yg lain jd beneran cm beda di motif aja. Btw yg rare botanic ini glossy ya bukan yg matte.

The Wet Brush Mini Rare Botanic Purple imgfdn-7c795419-aee5-4bdb-9121-48b52c9fd58d-2463682 1

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee