Filmore Body Spritz Sister - Beauty Review

Filmore Body

Spritz Sister

Rp. 119.000



4 users

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19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

16 Mar 2024

sram2001 recommends this product!

Tower 28 SOS Spray & Prequel Universal Skin Solution HOCl Acid Spray dupe! Haven’t really done any readings myself on hypochlorous acid being used down there sih sebenarnya so I just use this on my face when I have active zits to calm down the inflammation and itchiness, kdg I use it too to calm my eczema flare ups too. Convincing sih but buat dipake kalau rasanya lagi yucky down there but still scared to put anything other than water and Cetaphil hahaha !!! Anw, I’ve been using this brand for about 3 months straight but the the spritzer broke, and so I had to transfer ke non-opaque spritzer bottle (tad risky cus idk if the formulation could survive on sun exposure). I feel like with this price and packaging quality sedikit not up to par, and Cleanbee or +HOCL are practically the same product (cheaper too!!) only different marketing target so I’ll stick to that aja :))

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Gift



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

19 Feb 2024

hicitra recommends this product!

Para traveler cewe harus bgt punya, praktis dan berguna banget buat sanitasi miss V area, dipakai pun nyaman banget di Filmore, gak ada sensai wangi, PH balance dan anti bakterial, dulu suka banget gatel2 bagian miss V karena aku naik Berat badan jadi miss V ku selalu lembab, bau dan gatal karena celana pada kekecilan dan sesek

Filmore Body Spritz Sister imgfdn-209bb4b2-2581-410d-83ce-d03dff91ab1c-2556087 1

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

26 Sep 2023

divaahdan recommends this product!

Udh berbulan2 aku punya tp br dipake bbrp kali aja, dan baru rutin pakai ahir2 ini semenjak keputihan lg banyak2nya. Awalnya ga gitu notice karna keputihan aku jd berkurang, tp setelah sadar kayanya gara2 pake si spritz sister ini. Jujur dulu tuh beli karna lucu sama packagingnya taunya sebagus itu. Kemana2 jd aku bawa2 kalo abis pee di wc umum selalu aku pake, karna ga semua wc umum sedia tissue jd selalu aku semprot tanpa aku wipe udh kerasa bersih. Dia ga ada fragrancenya sama sekali, ga ada alcoholnya juga, bener2 kaya air aja biasa. Before and after sexy time jg ini bagus karna jd ngerasa lebih comfortable aja.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Transmart



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

11 Apr 2023

glen12 recommends this product!

seliweran ads nya di Instagram , pernasaran akhirnya beli , dan pas di coba sblm dan sesudah sexy time emang kerasa lebih nyaman dan bersih . aroma nya hampir ga kecium apapun sih , yang penting manfaatnya . bisa juga buat yang suka pee di toilet umum supaya jaga2 takut bakteri virus .

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee