Guess Seductive Noir - Beauty Review


Seductive Noir

Rp. 400.000



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25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Cool

24 Jan 2023

vanillebeige recommends this product!

The first spray reminds me of ''mum'' scent haha. But it gets better every time I wear it, I swear! I smell powdery rose as it's main accord (not wet damp rose, mind you). Average SPL, it stays +-3hrs on my skin. Spraying this on me makes me feel like I want to put on black blazer, black pants, and black high-heels if you get what I mean lol, the bottle speaks for itself. If you're into subtle scents that are not overpowering, safe for work, and not screaming ''Look at me!!", then you might want to try this. But overall, it's a so-so scent for me. Not bad, but not a fave either.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

26 May 2022

Ratihandita recommends this product!

Pertama semprot wangi ini yg muncul vanilla. sebenarnya aku ga terlalu suka vanilla cuma disini vanilla nya ga sweet banget karena ada sedikit wangi bunganya. dan yg aku suka middle to dry down tercium powdery. Pernah wkt berangkat kerja terus Suamiku tanya pake parfum yg mana? aku pikir suami ga suka ternyata dia bilang kayak wangi bedak, enak katanya. powdery disini soft tapi tercium. dan yg paling suka ini harganya affordable banget tapi wanginya elegan

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Tokopedia