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28 Jul 2023
aluula recommends this product!
Beli ini ikut jastip karena pas ada diskon jadi 70ribu untuk roller ball-nya. Ini wanginya agak mirip Diptyque eau des sens, tapi lebih banyak white floralnya. Citrusnya juga sedikit lebih manis dibanding Diptyque. Dry downnya soapy, seger banget berasa habis mandi. Karena seger ini jadi ga terlalu awet, siang-siang musti pake lagi kalo mau wangi seharian.
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Brand website
25 May 2023
nuraazizah doesn't recommend this product!
Aku cobain decantnya sih setelah sniff di storenya langsung. itu pun setelah nonton review sana sini. setelah aku pakai selama 9 jam, di baju, SPLnya kurang sih, wangi awalnya tuh enak banget, jeruk banget yang seger gitu, tenang bukan stella jeruk, ini mah jeruknya wangi seger, cuma ya gak tahan lama banget, cepet ilang bahkan gak nyampe 4 jam juga.
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Shopee
30 Oct 2022
raiyan2803 recommends this product!
Menurutku si FdO ini mirip Jo Malone Orange Blossom tapi versi youthfulnya. Kalau JM tuh ada sentuhan lilac yang bikin wanginya lebih berkarakter dan elegan, nah si Zara ini wanginya lebih citrusy dan seger. SPLnya ya bukan yang super bgt, mirip-mirip Jo Malone sih yang sama-sama weak. Tapiii kalau pakenya agak banyak wanginya lebih nyebar sihh.
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
23 Jul 2022
nadjuscka recommends this product!
CINTAAAA bangetttt sama hasil kolaborasi ZARA dan Jo Malone as it enables you to smell expensive without having to pay a lot!🥺 Memang wanginya unik-unik dan lebih menusuk nyetrong gitu, tipikal Jo Malone. Bukan sweet, floral dan vanilla seperti parfum ZARA biasanya, tapi kan intinya itu bukan?? Yang satu ini miripppp bgt sama Orange Blossom yang udah jadi favorit banyak orang. Pertama itu wanginya citrusy bgttt, tp gak lama lgsg berubah menjadi white floral yang sangat sangattttt menyerbak, bahkan menurutku lebih stands out, sampe dibilang orang sekantor kalo aku wanginya kayak Susana wkwk dan itu awet bgttt. Bukan cuma di kulit, tapi di pakaian juga tahan lama, gak perlu deh retouch lagiii kalo cuma di indoor seharian menurutku. Di akhirnya itu wanginya lebih soapy dan ada sweetnya sedikit. Aku yang biasanya suka sama parfum gourmand atau vanillaaa sekarang kayaknya ganti kiblat nih😆
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
12 Aug 2021
richienakata recommends this product!
The collaboration between Zara and Jo Malone CBE was one of the highlights from the end of 2019 which definitely brought elevation to #Zara lineup of fragrances. I am really glad to still find the collection available in stores up to this day. They have even come up with more new releases! Although the complete product range (which also includes bath and body products) is not entirely available in Indonesia, I have no complaints since the main fragrance line is well-available (for all scents and sizes).
The one that I have come to love the most from the #Emotions collection is Fleur d’Oranger. This fragrance has become one of my most-reached for many days since last year, as well as a staple in my collection.
Fleur d’Oranger is a linear orange blossom fragrance with a light sparkling cologne background which turns soapy as it dries down. It also features neroli and ylang-ylang. The white floral facet definitely shines more than citrus in this fragrance (as opposed to Amalfi Sunray).
This is simple and lovely all-around, also considerably affordable for its quality (with the detectable signature character of Jo Malone’s creations). It lingers nicely with decent projection; lovely on clothes. I also love this as a room spray (although they also offer this fragrance in a candle format).
A point that needs to be taken note of is the packaging. It has a sleek minimalist design (which I definitely love), but the paper label on the bottle needs more care in order to prevent crinkles.
A little story, when I first got to discover the collection with excitement when they first arrived in the city, none actually really stood up to me (as much as I wanted). I was quite fond of this and the identical Amalfi Sunray, but not up to a decision to get a bottle.
Upon my first encounter back then, Fleur d’Oranger leaned more towards the sweet orange fruity side (rather than floral) which then dried down as tart (like orange cake).
As I then came to discover more about notes and olfactive elements, I got more familiar with neroli and orange blossom (which has now become one of my absolute favorite notes). I guess my perception of scents had developed by the time I decided to revisit the collection months later and got to love this one.
An interesting part of my fragrance journey which taught me to keep on discovering and revisiting scents along the way!
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store