Penhaligon's Changing Constance - Beauty Review


Changing Constance

Rp. 4.000.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

01 Jan 2023

RizK6 recommends this product!

Mampir ke stand Penhaligon bareng keponakan, dia cowo tapi suka wangi gourmand. Asalnya skeptic gue dibilang ini bau nya caramel cs im not rlly a fan of sweet fragrance. Ternyata pas cium wieew we both love it, dia bau nya ada sedikit woody, ada sedikit bau caramel yang ga manis. Longevity kalau di baju tahan lama sih, tapi kalau di skin paling 6 jaman

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

29 Jul 2022

vwid recommends this product!

This is def a unique perfume and I haven’t stumbled across anything like it, but I can’t say it is as good as I thought it would be 🥲. Udh beberapa bulan interested sama Changing Constance ini gara2 liat beberapa tiktok users hyping this up. Dominant nya vanilla and caramel and then ada spicy nya dari pimento. Di base note ada tobacco juga, tapi bukan yg strong gitu. All of the notes are very well blended and menurutku unisex juga. This is more of a “mature” scent and I have no prob with it since aku lbh prefer perfumes yg kesannya mature daripada yg youthful gitu. SPL moderate di aku, lasts around 4 hrs on skin and 6 hrs on clothes. And kyk Penhaligon’s lainnya, the bottle and box are so pretty

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Instagram