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22 Oct 2022
vwid recommends this product!
My current fave freshie! I believe Attrape Reves means dreamcatcher in french and it is indeed so dreamy. Baunya quite light and airy, jadi dipake outdoor di tropical weather juga ok bgt. Menurut aku ini lebih cocok buat spring/summer fragrance daripada fall/winter. Aku personally suka bgt sama peony notes, probably why I love this so much soalnya ada lychee, peony, rose, patchouli, etc. The lychee and floral notes nya dominant di perfume ini, patchouli nya quite soft menurutku jadi bukan type Coco Madmoiselle gitu. Di aku ini type perfume yg bbrp jam udh ga kecium, tapi orang2 disekitar tetep bakal kecium baunya. Salah 1 daily perfume yg aku pake di SG soalnya sering di outdoor plus dikasih mama yg 200ml jadi ga takut cepet abis 😂
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Gift