Givenchy L’interdit Eau de Parfum Rouge - Beauty Review


L’interdit Eau de Parfum Rouge

Rp. 1.750.000



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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

04 Sep 2023

aryantiwidya recommends this product!

uwaweeeeeet banget, suka wanginya rich banget. tipical wangi lady boss. kalau suka banget yg deep tapi tetep warm ya enak banget. aku suka sih apalagi awet banget. really good worth money. spicynya masih bisa ditorerir dg orang2 yg suka wangi2 dingin

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

24 Jun 2022

vinvintv recommends this product!

Literally amazing?! Ini blind buy karena penasaran seenak apa and pas ke sephora ga ada tester, but let me tell you…. this is so good! It’s warm and sweet to me. For some reason, I don’t really get the citrus note that they said is in it, which is great bc I am not a big fan of citrus perfumes. Ini enak banget sih! Mayan mirip sama linderdit original tapi lebih warm and lebih deep gitu. I wasn’t expecting this perfume to be as sweet but I don’t mind. Instead, I really like the sweetness it gives! 💗 At first it gives off a spicy, sweet cherry and warm opening to me (basically zingy scents), but after quite some time it gives off a very sweet and nutty wine scent with a hint of jasmine. Setelah pake ini satu harian, aku ngerasa wanginya lebih manis dibanding pas diawal. Kalau kalian suka sweet, spicy, and deep scents, this is worth trying!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

06 May 2022

vwid recommends this product!

A very successful flanker! in my previous review di L’interdit yg original aku bilang ga terlalu suka si L’interdit Rouge ini gara2 ada blood orange di top notes nya. HOWEVERR Rouge ini has grown on me and I LOVE IT SO MUCH NOW. Type scent nya emang beda dari L’interdit original, tapi quite unique, aku blm nemuin perfume lain yg mirip ini. Plus gatau kenapa cowo2 pada suka bgt sama Rouge, temen2 ku yg cowo pada bilang bau nya enak bgtt. SPL moderate sih di aku

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift