Elizabeth Arden UNTOLD Eau de Parfum - Beauty Review

Elizabeth Arden

UNTOLD Eau de Parfum

Sensual Floral

Rp. 1.200.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Dec 2016

Elizabet Arden memang terkenal dengan kualitas parfumnya yang high class. Dan alhamdulillah aku berhasil coba salah satu parfumnya, yaitu produk ini. Bener-bener layak dikatakan high class. Kenapa??? This is my review:

❤ Kemasannya super chic, glamour, nyaman dipakai, dan gampang dibawa.
❤ Wanginyaaaa uuugghh suka banget! Berasa jadi wanita sosialita begitu pake parfum ini haha.
❤ Wanginya tahan lama. Lama banget! Baju dicuci ampe 3 kalipun masi tahan wanginya.
❤ Ngga ninggalin noda kuning di baju.
❤ Ngga mudah nguap.

- Mahal haha. Wajar banget sih..
- Masi susah didapet di online shop. Harus beli di counternya langsung.



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Neutral

27 Feb 2016

I LOVE this scent! Bought it a week ago and the scent is wonderful!It is so modern and sophisticated, and I think this scent is strong yet soft in 1 bottle.If you love floral scent but don't like a very sweet one, you will love this as much as I do.It has strong floral and sandalwood and musk blend. It might be hard for me to describe how I like this scent but I'm sure this scent will be my trademark scent from now on :)