Diptyque Eau Capitale - Beauty Review


Eau Capitale

Rp. 2.000.000



4 users

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19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

06 Jan 2022

vwid recommends this product!

My second fav perfume from Diptyque! Ini emg ga se famous Do Son, Philo, dll tapi menurutku enak. Walaupun di awal2 emg bau nya agak lebih cocok buat mature women, tapi ditunggu bentar jadi enak. I personally prefer Eau Capitale more than Eau Rose. Eau Capitale lbh ada character di scent nya plus rose nya lebih strong and warmer. Menurut aku ini lumayan mirip sama Tom Ford Rose Prick, tapi ini lebih affordable + longevity lebih ok. Longevity bagus bgtt, jarang2 ada perfume Diptyque yg longevity nya se strong ini menurutku. Silage nya moderate, not too bad

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

02 Nov 2020

limmartha recommends this product!

Aku dapet sample size perfume ini pas beli Fleur de Peau. Mba SPG nya bilang kalo aku suka Fleur de Peau, aku pasti akan suka Eau Capitale juga. Berhubung waktu itu aku lagi buru2 ngejar flight, alhasil aku gak sempet nyium di sana. Pas pulang dan akhirnya nyoba. I was confused at first. Karena menurutku karakter Eau Capitale ini cukup beda dari Fleur de Peau. And im not gonna lie, at first i thought this was quite an old fashioned rose scent. Mengingatkan gue sama nenek2 bau mawar🤣 tapi karena penasaran sama kata2 SPG nya, aku coba lagi dan lagi. Ternyata aku suka dry down nya! And i finally got why she said I'd like this if I like Fleur de Peau. Mereka berdua sama2 sharp scent karena sama2 ada pepper nya (I guess i just really like peppers in my perfume🤭). But this has rose yang walau awalnya kesannya tua, lama2 addicting juga. Lama2 dia jadi charming buatku. Dan unlike Fleur de Peau, dia lumayan versatile karena dapat dipakai saat cuaca agak panas. Walau ini sbenarnya lebih cocok untuk acara2 malam sih karena wanginya cukup "bold". But over all, I fell in love with this scent. And I want to buy the bigger size for sure. Sample size nya aja ku sayang2 banget. Walau satu dua kali semprot udah mantep sih dia hehe

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Changi Airport



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

20 Sep 2020

fierazor doesn't recommend this product!

Got the sample from Diptyque store Japan. I can sense flowery, spicy, grassy smells but there is this one strong scent that i can’t describe. The scent is so strong it makes me dizzy . If you like strong perfume then you might like this one. I prefer lighter perfume

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Normal, Medium Dark, Neutral

03 Jun 2020

arlnggvt recommends this product!

Kali kedua mencoba parfum diptyque setelah L’ombre Dans L’eau. First spray sih very sweet dan unik, seperti aroma toko toko di mediteranian yang jual spices dan pottpouri at the same time 😆. Susah dijelasin. Jadi intinya sweet, ada roses but not too much and peppery/spicy. Definitely will buy second bottle ❤️

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store