Dior La Colle Noire - Beauty Review


La Colle Noire

Maison Christian Dior

Rp. 3.850.000



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19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

02 Nov 2022

vwid recommends this product!

Ah yes another rose peony perfume in my list unfortunately 🥲 but what can I say, La Colle Noire smells HEAVENLY!!! Ini sih impulsive buy juga tapi ga nyesel sm sekali. One of my current faves dari semua collection aku. Heavy on the florals terutama peony and rose terus ada fruity nya juga plus oud. Disini oud nya juga bukan yg heavy bgt, masih kecium tapi ga yg dominating kyk LV Les Sables Roses (at least di hidungku sih gitu ya). Cukup ok dipake outdoor di tropical countries since baunya fresh floral gitu. Overall menurut aku enak bgt and worth the price, ada miripnya sedikit sama Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet. SPL juga ok bgt, lasts 8+ hours on me, sillage moderate to strong. To be fair 80-85% Maison Christian Dior line sih enak semua and very well blended packed in simple fancy bottles

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



45 and Above

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Aug 2022

ElinaSinjaya recommends this product!

Salah satu parfum mehong yg kumiliki, jatuh cinta at first spray lgsg beli full size sangking cintahny..Ketahanan d tubuhku pun war biasaa ,keringatan bnyk pun g ilang sumpahh..Rose ny mewah kali, lbh suka ini drpd Rose Vents…Sangking mehong mau pakek pun sayang apalagi prfum dior MCD ini hrgany asik naik, tp buat repurchased sih off course yess

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website