Dior Addict - Beauty Review



Oriental Floral

Rp. 1.300.000



11 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Jul 2022

pitayangg recommends this product!

Bukan pecinta parfume, tapi kalo ini gak bs buat dilewatin. Kayaknya reviewku sama kayak yg lain, ini tuh boost our confidence trus crushku pada suka hahaha. Menurutku ini emang cocok buat event gitu tapi kadang aku pake buat daily kalo pengen bikin mood bagus. Di aku sekitar 5-6 jam tahannya dan pasti bakal ditanyain sm org pake parfume apa kalo pake ini.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Metro



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

07 May 2021

deantyy recommends this product!

If you want to get everyone’s attention when you’re out in public, this is the right perfume to have. It’s very long lasting if you’re indoor (mine does last for up to 6 hours indoor). The first hour of usage, you’d get a strong-fruity scent. And then the next 3 hour, you’d be left with its base scent which is vanilla. However, it’s not suitable for daily usage as its scent is very strong. But again, if you like to be the center of attention and want everyone to ask what perfume do you use, please do wear this everyday. Overall, I’m really loving this perfume and will definitely buy this again one day.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Mar 2021

ini_vina recommends this product!

Udah aku posting trnyt blm direview. Baunya cenderung misterius, sensual, tp jg sweet krn kandungan vanilla dan tonka bean. Jasmine nya jg terasa di middle note yg bikin lbh deep. Nurutku agak kurang cocok dipake sehari2, tp blh aja, jd kesannya cewek yg confident. Longevity nya sekitar 6 jam an kl di aku.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

21 Mar 2020

natashachrysd recommends this product!

Packaging: bagus banget classy. Packaging yg cerminin dior banget. Cara aplikasiinnya juga lucu diputer dulu bagian atasnya baru disemprot. Scent: kurang ngerti ttg top note dan segala macemnya. Tp ini baunya seger sekaligus sensual dan feminin. Aku suka baunya sih. Karena tahan lama dan baunya cukup unik dan khas.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



30 - 34

Dry, Medium, Neutral

18 Feb 2020

Yolandaint recommends this product!

Wangi nya vanila floral gitu,kalo ini soft banget wanginya dan tahan lama. Acara indoor dan gak berkeringat atau acara dimalam hari,kalo siang hari dan berkeringat wangi nya akan sedikit berubah dari wangi awal tapi tetep enak bau nya kok. Dengan harga yg mayan ya untuk fullsize nya, jadi aku coba vialnya dulu.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Sep 2019

AmeliaVincenciaClara recommends this product!

Aromany bold vanilla well blended dgn wewangian bunga bikin kesan sangat seductive sexy dan elegan abis. Cocok banget dipakai utk night event apalagi ada hint balsamic dan vanilla. Dan aku jg suka banget krn ketahanan aroma di tubuh aku. Love this!!!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Instagram



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

03 Mar 2019

Warm, sultry and spicy is a perfect words to describe this scent. This is a really strong command attention type of fragrance. I’ve been wearing this and gotten so many times by strangers asking what is this. Menurutku cocok banget dipake saat pesta/acara malam hari karena it’s a really deep, dark seductive and mysterious, not your average vanilla scent. Botolnya juga simpel dan sleek namun tetap elegan. Hands down my fave perfume of all time and yes, i would def repurchase this one! #FDFRAGRANCE101



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

06 Dec 2017

All time favorite perfume, aku selalu ngerasa pede kalau udah pake parfum ini, parfumnya juga awet bgt bisa sampai 8 jam an lah dan wanginya kaya nempel terus di kulit, mandarin orange yang paling kecium seger wanginya, sebenarnya parfum ini cocok buat night events tapi aku juga suka pake buat daily karena suka bgt wanginya!!



45 and Above

Oily, Medium, Warm

09 Feb 2017

I'm in love with Dior Addict EDP since 2005. The scent is definitely a perfect mood booster. It is elegant and classy. My friends always noticed the scent the moment I entered the room. The said, "Ow...you are wearing your amazing perfume again." It is quite pricey but I always repurchase it whenever I had chance to go to Singapore. Well...what can I say? I'm addicted to Addict :)



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

08 Dec 2015

Sebenernya aku pake Addict yang EDT yang warnanya bening. Awalnya dapet sample dan langsung jatuh cinta! Wanginya ga terlalu manis, mature, sensual, tp ga lebay. Suka bangettt akhirnya langsung beli full size dan ga nyesel. Tapi ya edt sih jd ga tll tahan lama bgt
