CLEAN Warm Cotton - Beauty Review


Warm Cotton

Rp. 507.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

07 Jan 2024

jeanettewidjaja recommends this product!

Sesuai namanya. Kayak wangi baju yg abis dicuci. Tapi uniknya si Clean ini punya note wewangian yg khas. Jadi biarpun dia wangi laundryan, sulit utk ketemu wangi mirip dia di parfum lain kayak lazy sunday morning dll. Ga pasaran samsek. Wanginya unisex cowo aman banget kalo mau pake. Aku ngebayanginnya kalo ini dipake cowo, dia berpakaian kemeja & vest atau cardigan, celana bahan model baggy. Mencerminkan karakter yg lembut, ngomongnya sopan, santun, & ga neko2 haha. Yang nyari wangi kayak gini lu wajib beli. Jastip aja ke yang lagi di Korea, ada di olive young kok

CLEAN Warm Cotton imgfdn-23457086-1f27-47ca-83d2-18d4e226b905-2527448 1

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Jastip



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

25 Sep 2019

Fell in love at the first smell at Sephora.
Ya ampun ini baunya beneran ngingetin masa kecil aku.
Light but adorable...Yampuuunnn...
Jd keinget cologne jaman aku SD namanya Sanex yg skrg uda ga produksi.
Ga terlalu long last bgt sih, but masih oke.
Sedikit ke ganggu ama packagingnya. Too big for me..
Andai aja ada mini size nya biar bs muat masuk di tasku yg uda penuh.
Repurchase? Absolutelly..
Tp masih ada 2 botol segel..hahahaha

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

06 Jan 2014

This is the CLEAN scent that basically started my obsession. Granted, not everything from this brand clicks with my olifactory senses, but when they do.. Oh boy do they hit the mark spectacularly!

If you're into fresh scents that aren't as predictable and flat, love the general idea of smelling.. well, clean and fresh, then this one is for you.

It's a citrusy scent with a fleeting hint of musk. This is great for day wear.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :