Chanel Jersey Les Exclusifs de Chanel - Beauty Review


Jersey Les Exclusifs de Chanel

Rp. 3.800.000



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19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

01 Sep 2022

vwid recommends this product!

I wouldn’t say I love this perfume. It’s not bad tapi jg bukan yg enak bgt. Menurut aku ini quite unisex, but a bit too masculine for my preference since I prefer more feminine scents. The most prominent note here is definitely the lavender followed by musk and vanilla plus ada powdery nya jg like most of Chanel’s fragrances. Somehow kalo sniff dari bottle nya lgsg kesannya kyk perfume org tua, tapi kalo udh di spray ok kok, ga kyk perfume mak2 gitu. Also, menurut aku harus ditunggu beberapa menit dulu baru enak. Opening nya lavender bgt, which I don’t really enjoy. Jersey ini jg appropriate buat formal events or even work because it has a mature characteristic to it. SPL wise sih ini bagus bgt, lasts a really long time on me. Even abis bbq an masih kecium baunya, just keep in mind to not overspray soalnya bikin pusing kalo banyak2

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store