Chanel Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum - Beauty Review


Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum

Rp. 0



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19 - 24

Dry, Light, Warm

27 Jan 2024

zalfanatya recommends this product!

Papaku yang punya parfum ini dan kalau dia pake parfum ini wanginya langsung kecium apalagi pas lewat papasan sama dia langsung aroma parfumnya kecium. Wanginya typical wangi yang cowok banget gitu, lebih cocok di pake malam hari karena strong banget wanginya.

Chanel Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum imgfdn-1c1da300-16f6-43c4-977f-90552d27b113-2537889 1

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

18 Nov 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

My father really likes EDP Perfume and this is one of this favorite men perfume. As a person who also likes perfume, I can smell a hint of aquatic, fresh, balsamic, and spicy from this perfume (since my dad apply it most days in a week). This is a very unique perfume which cannot be found in any other perfume and will not be the same with any dupes in the marketplace. Of course, high price means high quality from this Niche Luxury Perfume. It has a longevity up to 12 hours which means it will stay from morning to night since it is first applied or sprayed to our skin. No wonder Chanel perfume always has big fans who will repurchase the products.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

25 Aug 2023

ameldmusic recommends this product!

review dari pengalaman aku sebagai pencium, btw ini parfum si ayang wkwkw. ketahanan wangi gak sampe 12 jam sih. padahal ori ya? ada yang tau gak sih kenapa? karna so far fresh bgt sih menurutku, walau si doi lebih prefer ke Blaeur sama One Million

Chanel Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum imgfdn-f2762492-faaa-4af1-9185-ed3ddfa8ae47-2461524 1

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Normal, Medium Light, Warm

06 Feb 2023

uciiwh recommends this product!

Gila sih ini parfum cowoo tapi gw suka banget enak banget wangi nya sulit untuk di deskripsikan tapi ini parfum yang bikin gw jadi doyan pake parfum wanginya seger woody tapi ada citrus nya juga enakeun pokoknyaaa suka banget klo abis mauny sih repurchase tapi ajig mahal ga kuku akooh smoga ada rejekinya hahaa

Chanel Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum 230206 497 1

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Normal, Light, Cool

15 Dec 2022

Cndycandy recommends this product!

Ini parfumnya ayah sebenernya. Produk ini wanginya enak, fresh dan soapy gituu. Beneran soapy dan kayanya ada sabun mandi yang wanginya mirip ini dikit (agak mirip sekilas). Dia lumayan tahan lama dan untuk ukuran parfum cowo, dia lumayan soft sih. Pertama semprot mungkin ada potensi bikin pusing tapi lama-lama dia jadi lebih soft wanginya dan enak. Soft fresh, soapy gitu.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

06 Dec 2022

dyndarizky recommends this product!

ok ini emang male perfume yaa, tapi aku suka banget sama wanginya. siapa sih yg gak tau bleu de chanel? haha salah satu perfume yg hype di Chanel buat male perfume. sedikit ada wangi citrusy, emang notes nya ada lemon dan grapefruit nya. tapi di aku wanginya lebih keluar wangi jasmine, musky, woody dan fresh. perpaduan dari vetiver, patchouli, jasmine dan white musk nya enak banget. dan dia jg bertahan up to 6 hours yaa! untuk dari harga sih menurutku agak pricey tapi worth to buy :p

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

04 May 2022

vwid recommends this product!

Funny story, ini gift dari mama aku tapi dia gatau kalo ini men’s perfume 😭 BDC ini jg signature perfume ex aku, and aku inget I LIKED IT SO MUCH ON HIM. Menurutku ini a very good freshie and lasts forever. I personally prefer the EDT daripada EDP nya. Akhirnya BDC gift ini aku kasih ke adek aku, sekalian racunin dia biar collect perfumes jg 🤪. Tapi kadang sering aku curi beberapa spray, aku layer sm perfumes ku lainnya just because I really like how it smells

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Normal, Medium, Warm

15 Nov 2021

Elvrlouv recommends this product!

Pake ini udah sekitar tiga tahun, udah jadi signature scent banget! Dari segi packaging aja udah wah, gila.. Kokoh banget. Walaupun ini male based perfume, tapi aromanya enak banget. Seger. Apalagi kalau dipake dalam ruangan, longetivitynya nampol guys.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Warm

14 Nov 2021

lariza_adisty recommends this product!

I know it's a men's fragrance, but still it took me by surprise at the first whiff! walau memang nggak menyengat tetep berasa maskulinnya -- kinda reminds me of my Dad's perfumes. the dry down is soapy, clean, and fresh and the longevity is good! while I may not repurchase it, I'd still recommend this for guy friends who want to buy their first designer perfume.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

21 Oct 2021

ardianiy recommends this product!

Percaya ga percaya dari jaman SMA aku pake parfum ini wkwk Suka banget sama wanginya! Dan belom bisa ada yg ngalahin si menurutku. Gatau akunya ga coba yg lain ya😂. Wanginya sexy banget, enak banget buat dicium cium. Kalo ada cowo yg pake bawaannya pengen peluuuukkk terus gamau lepaass wkwk. Pertama di semprot si wanginya emg strong, tp makin lama makin enak banget wanginya & tahan lama bgt kalo di ruangan. Kalau di outdoor mungkin bakal ga selama di ruangan yaa

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Instagram
