Cartier cartier la panthere - Beauty Review


cartier la panthere

Rp. 1.000.000



8 users

Reviewed this

75% users

Recommended this


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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

07 Apr 2023

totantooo doesn't recommend this product!

Kalo kalian nyari wangi yang bold & strong, mungkin ini bisa cocok buat kalian, tapi kalo kalian nyari yang wanginya soft, ini bukan salah satu pilihan. Awalnya aku mutusin buat blind buy parfum ini karena packagingnya yang unik, tapi ternyata wanginya ngga bisa aku terima banget karena wanginya sangat amat strong, bahkan bikin kepala jadi pusing, karena saudaraku pun ngerasain hal yang sama. Ini wanginya kayak ibu-ibu / cewe-cewe yang tinggal di Middle East gitu

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

14 Oct 2022

fthysrn12 doesn't recommend this product!

top notesnya kaya wangi jasmine, lama kelamaan kl udh bbrp jam wanginya mirip masjid2 ala timur tengah gt hahaha. dominan floral, jujur wanginya arab bgtsih mnrt aku mweheh mungkin ini kaliyaa tipe2 parfumnya tasyafarasya? soalnya pernah 1x nyobain parfum rekomendasi dia & emg baunya arab bgt sih wkwkw. def not for me tp enak aja sih kalo ini masih bisa diterima😩🙏

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

09 May 2022

nadiasaraswati recommends this product!

Parfum andalan buat ke formal events! Awalnya wanginya agak nyengat sedikit sih buat aku, tapi setelah beberapa saat kemudian jadi enak dan terkesan mewah. Wanginya perpaduan graceful, elegant, and a little bit sensual juga. Definitely worth to buy.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

,25 - 29

23 Aug 2021

giselajeanette recommends this product!

Wangi awalnya menurutku B aja bahkan bisa dblg bukan aku banget. Kyk wangi ibu2 kaya sbnrnya. Kebetulan aku masih 25 tahun jd blm bs dblg ibu2. Cuma lama2 nyobain ternyata enak jg baunya biar terlihat mahal. Parfum ini cocoknya untuk acara formal gitu sih mnrtku. Awetnya jg lumayan lama padahal udah mandi tp baunya masih kecium

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

08 Feb 2020

Lee_SteL recommends this product!

Aku suka banget wanginya. Awal semprot sih not so interesting ya. Karena basically aku ga suka bau2 floral gitu. Tapi wanginya after 1 hour. Luarbiasa. Elegant, classy. Cocok untuk office woman or formal occassions. Dan yang paling penting Rasa Percaya diri aku meningkat pke ini. Repurchase? Absolutely

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

27 Nov 2019

finnaass recommends this product!

kalo temen atau orang yang deket sama aku, udah pasti tau parfum kesukaan ku baunya kayak gimana😅 jujur kurang suka bau2 yang pretty2 manis2 ala ala gitu, lebih suka yang baunya jarang ada yang make + ellegant, menurut aku ini ada wangi floral nya tp tetep gitu lo gak yang bener2 manis bgt, baunya jarang banget ditemukan haha dan kalo nempel dibaju walaupun dicuci juga gabakal ilang percaya deh 😂

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Neutral

08 Oct 2017

The fragrance is sensual and bold floral - chypre. It is created by perfumer Mathilde Laurent from central notes of gardenia and
animalistic musk. The top of the composition exudes greenish - fruity mixture in the form of molecule styrallyl acetates,
containing nuances of rhubarb, strawberries, dried fruit, apple and apricot. The heart is dominated by gardenia, selected as the
main flower to avoid excessive oriental character and also as not so common ingredient amongst modern perfumes. Ketone musk and
oak moss provide irrefutable chypre character. My new favourite! So fresh, so perfect, so teasing, so longlasting, so everything I
love about a scent. The mix of fresh oakmoss, gardenia and musk is lovely. Its not weak - not in your face neither. I feel like a
rich girl wearing La Panthere.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Neutral

05 Oct 2017

The fragrance is sensual and bold floral - chypre. It is created by perfumer Mathilde Laurent from central notes of gardenia and animalistic musk. The top of the composition exudes greenish - fruity mixture in the form of molecule styrallyl acetates, containing nuances of rhubarb, strawberries, dried fruit, apple and apricot. The heart is dominated by gardenia, selected as the main flower to avoid excessive oriental character and also as not so common ingredient amongst modern perfumes. Ketone musk and oak moss provide irrefutable chypre character.

My new favourite! So fresh, so perfect, so teasing, so longlasting, so everything I love about a scent. The mix of fresh oakmoss, gardenia and musk is lovely. Its not weak - not in your face neither. I feel like a rich girl wearing La Panthere.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :