BYREDO Blanche EDP - Beauty Review


Blanche EDP

Rp. 0



35 users

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30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Neutral

06 Jul 2024

kishisk recommends this product!

one of the most popular variants from byredo dan aku udah suka banget sama blanche ini dari beberapa tahun lalu~ baunya powdery yang agak sweet, bener kalau orang bilang ini bau laundry, tapi menurutku masih ada kesan mahalnya dan bukan yang bau deterjen gitu. aku suka banget banget, kalau kamu suka wangi powdery yang soft, sopan dan aman dipakai di segala occasion, this is for you!

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Warm

27 Jan 2024

zalfanatya doesn't recommend this product!

This is straight-up clean laundry to me. While that's ordinarily not a bad thing, I don't necessarily want my perfume to smell like that. I don't smell roses or any florals as mentioned in the perfumers notes. Just laundry detergent. Kurang cocok wanginya di aku

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

11 Aug 2023

cecilliamerly recommends this product!

akhirnya bs nyobain ini pas di galeries lafayette paris krn kebetulan ada boothnya, lsg deh sniff2 bestseller byredo dan first time bisa nyobain. wangi byredo ternyata enak2 bangett pantesan byk yg suka krn dia tipe yg simple light dan ga aneh2. tipe wangi yg acceptable buat semua orang. blanche ini salah satu yg aku beli karena wanginya tipe yg clean dan fresh, buat pecinta wangi clean simple light fresh tp lingering dan tahan lama pasti bakal suka bgt sama blanche ini. mnrtku ini unisex sih dan temenku jg suka bgt sama blanche ini bahkan sampe beli 2 yg travel sizenyaa krn emg enak bgt wanginya

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Warm

05 Aug 2023

megaagnesty recommends this product!

My first love from Byredo collection. Top notesnya tuh manis tapi tipis bgt, typical skin scent. Setelah dry down dan masuk ke base note, wanginya jadi powdery. Biasanya aku ga suka powdery, tapi kali ini bisa jadi my daily perfume. Aku pakai hampir setahun, sampai akhirnya pas mau repurchase, aku sniff wangi lainnya dan tergoda sm varian lain dr byredo. That’s why for this scent, I only gave 4 star, pdhl awalnya mau kasih 5 star 😆

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

08 Jul 2023

mae doesn't recommend this product!

Well.. Gimana yah.. Ini fave banyak orang tp it doesn't work for me. Enak sih, tapi terlalu wangi laundry yg artificial kalo menurutku. Dry down nya juga enak sih.. Tp not my cup of tea. Biarlah wangi laundry stay di laundry kalo aku LoL. Wangi parfum biarlah yg lebih cakep aja..

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Neutral

21 Jan 2023

sahdacallistaa recommends this product!

my number 1 fav fragrance! wanginya ini clean yg bisa aku pake kapan aja, ga nusuk, soft powdery gitu. awalnya beli ini karena banyak celeb yg pake especially my fav actress, han hyojoo dan suprisingly aku suka dan cocok. tahan lama seharian, packagingnya juga khas byredo yg simple gitu. pokoknya pasti repurchase sih, karena sesuka itu

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

21 Oct 2022

nuraazizah recommends this product!

waktu itu beli vialnya dan suka banget sama blanche ini. awal mula suka banget parfum powdery musky ya aku suka dari blanche ini. pas aja gitu. gak terlalu musky. tipis sih wanginya menurut aku. kalo gak suka wangi yang macem macem, cobain ini.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

05 Oct 2022

laurensiapho recommends this product!

Wanginya powdery bangett, kalo kata temenku wanginya kaya wangi kamar hotel. Wanginya nggak nusuk jadi nyaman banget dipake sehari-hari. Overall tahan sekitar 6-8 jam, bisa tahan lebih lama kalau aktifitas tempat dingin atau di dalam ruangan ber-AC👍👍👍

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



45 and Above

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Aug 2022

ElinaSinjaya recommends this product!

Rekomen buat org org yg cari wewangian buat sehari hari y, saya sih pas pertama pakek blanche trkejut z kok parfum ini kayak wangi wangi sabun gtu. LOL…notesnya jauh kali dr yg di deskripkan(apa aku yg g ngerti ato gimaan) but afterall clean banget sih kesanny stlh pakek parfum ini..Tp klo buat longevity n projectionny sih too weak d aku berapa jam lg mesti respray lg

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Instagram



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

10 Aug 2022

Lulupink recommends this product!

I thought my collection was "perfect" and "complete" but I was so far from it. Byredo Blanche starts off a little bit pungent, musky but turns into the most beautiful thing I've ever smelled. It's like expensive soap, the tiniest amount of sweetness, and intoxicating freshness. Smells like fresh laundry. I even like it's pungency, and even addicted to it. This is pure ecstasy! Sillage & projection is poor, too bad.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Brand website




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