Bon Parfumeur 902 Armagnac Blond Tobacco Cinnamon - Beauty Review

Bon Parfumeur

902 Armagnac Blond Tobacco Cinnamon

Rp. 770.000



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30 - 34

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

28 Mar 2023

anisaindah19 recommends this product!

I love it!!! You can clearly smell the Armagnac, tobacco, and cinnamon from this perfume. Wanginya menurut gue cocok buat orang2 yg outsiders and adventurers gitu. I don’t think it’s a suitable perfume for work but you can use it on the weekend kalau lagi jalan2 ke luar.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Lazada



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

03 Mar 2023

firmala18 recommends this product!

beliin ini untuk pacarku, tadinya galau antara mau yang 901 atau 902 tapi finally I choose this one and I don't regret it! ternyata pacarku suka dan aku juga jadi suka sama aromanya. Fyi ini wanginya cocok banget buat kalo lagi jalan-jalan bareng atau pas ngumpul-ngumpul gitu.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : glow PI



40 - 44

Normal, Light, Neutral

13 Feb 2023

amyananda recommends this product!

we all know that Armagnac always giving us the vibe of sexiness. It actually radiates from this perfume!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the smell of lime three and jasmine complete the whole perfume. gonna buy my the second one right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bon Parfumeur  902 Armagnac, Blond Tobacco, Cinnamon 230213 583 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Lazada



35 - 39

,35 - 39

08 Jan 2023

BranVargas recommends this product!

ONE OF MY FAVORITES! 902 is starts off with a boozy cognac concoction, spicy a little bitter, I guess it’s from the cloves and cinnamon. Heavier compared to 904. Midway you get a little sweetness and lots of wood. 902 is warm, boozy and bold.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store