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23 Jul 2021
novenaoliviah recommends this product!
My first 10ml bottle of Ao! I’m not good at describing what a perfume smells like, but this is a very decent Edgy de Parfum ;) It’s a scent that leans towards masculine side, with a hint of sweetness (tapi bukan manis gourmand). To me, as described by the nose himself, metal gives a very cool and clean hospital-like vibe. Untuk everyday wear oke banget! Jujur baru pake ini di rumah aja, belum tau reaksinya kalo kena udara panas dan matahari. Tapi untuk sementara ini, sillage: 4,5/5 (nggak annoying tapi nyampe di hidung orang sekitar HAHA). Longevity: 5/5, up to 6 hour dry down nya masih nempel di kulit.
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Tokopedia