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30 Mar 2021
michelles_7 recommends this product!
OKAY, so for you guys yang nonton video nagita slavina pake parfum 30x semprot, this is actually the perfume that she wearssss. Bkn dior ( maison christian dior), karna yg dipake tutupnya silver, bkn black & warnanya biru, bkn ijo. Bkn le labo jgg, le labo tutupnya lebih kurus and gak shiny. The reason why she sprays it so many time is because ini body and hair mist, which is ga bakal se long last itu. Im very sick of people who says that perfume yg dipake is actually dior lucky, then ternyata malah jual that perfume.
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Shopee