Jo Malone London Peony and Blush Suede Cologne - Beauty Review

Jo Malone London

Peony and Blush Suede Cologne

Rp. 2.380.000



115 users

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25 - 29

Normal, Light, Neutral

24 Mar 2024

ayurespati recommends this product!

Wanginya lembut, segar, cocok dipakai daily/siang hari. Pas buat cewek2 kerja kantoran. Awal disemprot emang ada manisnya, tapi lama kelamaan mulai ada layer yg fresh. Tahan berjam-jam. Karena aku tipe org yg takut bau, jadi biasanya aku semprot lagi pas siang2 waktu ishoma

Jo Malone London Peony and Blush Suede Cologne imgfdn-d42e8997-4a0e-493d-9d1e-29d71db23ede-2565395 1

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Feb 2024

rikakuncoro11 recommends this product!

type parfum yg wanginya ceria ya, wangi floral yang fresh dan playful, kl pake parfum ini tuh bawaannya semangat gt haha, ini ak suka pake buat sehari2 utk ngantor kl dipake dr pagi smpe malempun masih wangiiiiiii meski jd lembut yg kl udh makin malem, suka banget 💕

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Dark, Warm

27 Jan 2024

Vousaimez recommends this product!

Parfum ini menggambarkan tipe yang feminine tapi playful gembira. Wanginya soft calming ada hint fruitynya diantara hint kembang-kembang lainnya. Kalo di notesnya ada apple tapi samar banget hampir ga kecium, paling dominant rose sama peonynya bikin parfum ini jadi semakin feminin. Parfum ini cocok buat orang yang suka puyeng nyium parfum soalnya calming and soft banget

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

25 Jan 2024

cintara recommends this product!

Opening tertulis Red Apple, sejujurnya ga mencium apel sm sekali pada opening. Bunga peony, soapy, suede, the leather and sophisticated fruity florals. A perfect blend of floral and suede. Drydown suede + leathery, it’s too overpowering for some people, but I like it. Seperti suasana sedang berada di lobby luxury hotel yg banyak digelar karpet.

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Jo Malone London Peony and Blush Suede Cologne imgfdn-39a4c400-75e2-42e1-828e-e2e136ce4fe2-2535975 2

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

03 Nov 2023

ftarisa recommends this product!

Waktu itu aku lagi nyari parfum wangi nya yang floral, dan SA nya ngerekomendasi beberapa parfum, salah satunya adalah ini. Aku suka banget wanginya from the first smell! Top notes, middle notes, and base notes nya best semua! Wanginya very suits my personality. Untuk ketahanannya sayangnya ga terlalu 😖 But overall still a good product tho! Hope they can improve the durability ✨💐

Jo Malone London Peony and Blush Suede Cologne imgfdn-0ebc3256-a37e-4d5d-9172-b2626172a45c-2495947 1

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

05 Oct 2023

LetisiaMaharani recommends this product!

Aku ngga pinter jelasin aroma parfum. Mudah-mudahan bisa kebayang ya. Wanginya tuh floral dan agak manis, to my taste ini termasuk feminin. Kebayang sama aku tuh cewe yang pakai parfum ini wearing simple casual midi-dress, flat sandal, sling rottan bag lagi strolling around Greece hehehe.. anyway, this is in my wishlist jadi seneng banget pas akhirnya bisa punya. It can take me to Greece without even leaving my room

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



18 and Under

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

03 Sep 2023

nabilasahid23 recommends this product!

bagusss banget ini salah satu parfume yang sangat worth to buy soalnya aroma nya sangattt enak sesuai dengan harganya juga yah pkoknya worth the price and worth the hype salah satu parfume branded kecintaan semua orang nihhh pkoknya must tryyy yahhh

Jo Malone London Peony and Blush Suede Cologne imgfdn-85df5d84-227d-4e65-899b-29cd136c0bad-2467205 1

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Female Daily Studio



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

28 Aug 2023

nikeishajill recommends this product!

Jo Malone from London has always become my wishlist brand's fragrance. Then, i've found my first favorite scent from them. The smells was really good, it's feminine, floral fresh, elegance, and feels mature. For me, it's suitable for night occasion like going on a dates or family fancy dinner. So happy to have it. ♡

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

16 Aug 2023

cecilliamerly recommends this product!

tipe wangi floral yang sweet dan unik karena ga pernah nemu di brand lain, wanginya ada sdkit leather scent, sbnernya wangi kaya gini not my cup of tea yaa karena manis dan feminim (prefer wangi fresh feminim) cuma byk bgt yg suka wangi ini dan untuk ketahanan sih so so yaa dr perfume jo malone tp ini better drpd english pear karena wanginya lebih pekat, projection jg so so aja, cuma untuk harga segini worth karena perfume jo malone itu wanginya straight to the point sesuai nama variannya dan ga ada dupenya d perfume brand lain (tp kyny skrg udh byk yg bkin inspired nya yah)

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

09 Aug 2023

Mayaputrixie recommends this product!

Aku beli ini nggk sengaja, at least aku rasa ini parfume yang feminim tapi unik baunya khas floral nggk pasaran dan kalau dicium semerbaknya unik banget. Khas cewek-cewek manis kalau dicium wanginya bisa langsung kenal. Lumayan pricey but okay to repurchase

Jo Malone London Peony and Blush Suede Cologne imgfdn-033b435a-7b6e-4f99-887d-a48fddd03046-2453215 1

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
