Shiseido Shiseido MAQuillAGE Flawless Skin Powdery UV - Beauty Review


Shiseido MAQuillAGE Flawless Skin Powdery UV

Rp. 475.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

21 Jul 2018

Suka banget pake ini, flawless dan ga pecah2.
Aku biasanya pakai ini setalah contouring wajah dan hasilnyaa cucok banget.
Tambahannya, yang paling ak suka dari maquillage itu mereka buat case nya bagus-bagus banget.
Pasti beli lagi sih kalau habis.



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

14 Jul 2018

powder foundation ini teksturnya smooth bgt. warnanya jg pas bwt orang asia. tapii, menurut sy paling cocok dipakai klo kulitnya bener2 lembab. kulit sy kombinasi, dan dia kelihatan kurang nempel bahkan susah diaplikasikan di bagian kulit sy yg kering. sayangnya produk ini belum masuk di indonesia *sedih



45 and Above

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

27 Jun 2017

Never used a powder foundation before but man, Shiseido has upped their game with this one for sure. After seeing so many of Shiseido Maquillage commercials while I was in Japan, I decided to give it a try. I have very oily/acne prone skin, so have to use a primer beforehand. It goes on quite flawlessly with my oily face! It sets just right, not too cakey and it has a good coverage too. The result is still natural looking, but covers my dark spots and reddish acne scars. You just have to blend the right amount on your face otherwise it will look cakey! So, blend, blend and blend until it adjusts right. It's quite pricey for a powder foundation but it's worth it because it doesn't break me out or make my blemishes angry.