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03 Sep 2023
nabilasahid23 recommends this product!
foundation branded yang sangatt bagus worth the pricee dan worth the hype ini foundation branded pertama yang aku beli dannn sangat sangat ga menyes yahhh soalnya sesuai dengan claim nya foundi nya sangat bagus buat d pakai dailyy maupun buat acara formal ya tetap bagus
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Female Daily Studio
08 Aug 2023
asihhildayani recommends this product!
bagus. tapi harga nya terlalu mehongg sayyy. ada harga ada kualitas lah ya. untuk yang budget pas pas an kaya aku kaya nya bakal mikir 2 kali sih buat beli ini. aku punya ini karena di kasih kado. lumayan lah ya biar ga penasaran sama produk mahal 🤣
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
05 Aug 2023
sabrina12e recommends this product!
sangat bagus sangat cover sekali noda2 hitam bekas jerawat aku tertutupi pokoknya suka banget sama produk ini , ruasan aku jadi tahan lama anti krek pokoknya rekomended banget deh , harganya price cuma harga ga bs bohong sih bagus banget ....
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Female Daily Event
12 Jul 2023
anastasianovita88 recommends this product!
I was very interested to have a foundation with a full coverage so that I can use it confidently. This foundation has improved in terms of longevity. It says that it stays for 24 hours. It comes with a combination of complexion, like Light (L), Medium (M), and Deep (D) and skin undertone, such as Cool (C), Neutral (N), and Warm (W). Now that you know your own complexion and undertone, you can choose your own shade as you desire and which one that has the similarity with your skin color. At that time in GI, I tried LN1, LC2, and LC1. For now, let me tell you about LC2. Since my skin is a porcelain-like (according to my friends and basically everyone I meet at FDN Events and beauty advisors), I have to find the lightest shade as possible. These shades were recommended by kak Mella YSL. However, LC2 is still a bit darker for my skin complexion, sadly 😂 It still tends to be yellow on my skin. Besides that, I know that this foundation is the best in terms of its coverage and there's no oxidation at all. It blends nicely on my skin since I heard from the Beauty Advisor's explanation that this foundie contains mostly skincare.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
05 Jul 2022
beatrixmicha recommends this product!
Mereka abis reformula dan repackaging juga 1 juli kemarin, jadi beda total sm all hours sebelumnya 🥲 yg sekarang BAGUS BGT!!! Bener2 baguuuusss 😭 packagingnya ada logo ysl gedeee banget kayak punya libre jadi luxurynya berasa, black gold glossy gitu, tp botolnya matte. Formulanya jauh beda sama all hours yg kemarin, sekarang jd gampang bangetttt diblend, no effort 🤌🏻 karena yg skrg kandungan skincarenya lebih banyak, ada hyaluronic acidnya, jadi skinprepnya juga ga ribet. Pake toner sm moisturizer skintific masih bagus bangett ga kering. Berasa sih emangg dia jd lembab banget gitu, tapi finishnya matte walaupun ga se matte kemarin, tapi bukan dead matte ya, masih satin, dan satinnya skinlike bangett, apalagi shadenya pas dari warna dan undertonenya 😭 bener2 kyk kulit asli tapi baguss, warnanya rataa 🥲✨ Aku ngerasa dia ada pore blur effectnya, muka jd keliatan halussssss bangett, cuma harus ati2 di sekitar dry patches yaa biar ga keliatan crack kering. Coveragenya medium to full tapi ringan bangetttt, bener2 ringan kayak ga pake apa2, jauh lebih ringan dr cushion dan a little goes a long way, pake dikit doang bs buat semuka 🥲 udah ada spf 39 cm aku blm tes kalo pake malem jd flashback gaa… aku pake panas2an, literally panaass di bawah matahari langsung pake sekitar 4 jam masih oke bangett walaupun yg di deket hairline udah banyak yg hilang karena keringatan parahhh, tapi yg lainnya masih bagus bangett ga geser.. pake 6 jam udah mulai geser2 di sekitar hidung, karena emang sama sekali ga touch up, set pake bedak juga dikitttt banget, sentuh2 pake brush aja, ga pake setting spray juga. Bagusss bangettt pokoknya, good job ysl! 🥲❤️
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store