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07 Jun 2024
eiline18 recommends this product!
Aku udh punya ini dr lama, pas awal beli ggitu suka pake soalnya kyk cepet bgtt berminyak, tyt emg kulit aku dehidrasi jd keluarin oil juga lbh banyak. Stelah skrg skincare lbh balance dan hydrating, malah gabisa pake fondi yg too matte, jadinya cracking and this fondii sama sekali ga crack on my skin, malah it last the longest while my skin masih bisa bernafas banget, sangat ringan bgt pas dipake, yet very natural and medium coverage✨
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
21 Feb 2020
Bubbleshine doesn't recommend this product!
i dont know whats wrong with the ingredients but this foundie tends to dry out on my skin.the texture is light and easy to blend but its very2 sheer almost like serum foundie to me.i like the result for seconds but after a while it gets patchy in some parts like nose and mouth area.the color is nice as well but wont repurchase
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : SOGO
04 Nov 2019
elisa11 recommends this product!
Pake foundie ini berasa kyk pake skincare yg ada tone-nya, jadi kulit berasa masih bisa bernafas gt loh! trs gak bikin kulit jd kusem pas make up udah dihapus, duh berat niy klo udah suka sama foundie ini, secara mahal sis huhu. Klo dr coveragenya lbh ke medium ya, ak pilih shade yg satu tingkat lbh cerah karena oxidize gt, ya awalnya pasti keliatan kyk topeng tapi lama2 menyerupai warna tone kulit kita, jadi lbh flawless dan natural..cakep bgt deh ini!!!
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
02 Sep 2019
rency recommends this product!
Jadi sbnrnya wajah aku ga butuh foundie krn jarang jarang ke pesta dan hari hari biasa cm pake liquid lipstick aja dan spf. Tapi wkt facial dari lamer dipakein ini, dan astagaaa hasilnya emang bukan kaleng2. Muka asli glowing bgt dan smooth bgt, tapi ga rasa berat kayak pakai foundie. Beneran nyatu sama kulit. Harganya sangat mahal tp worth it
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
23 Aug 2019
foundation termahal yg ada dideretan meja riaskuu :(
jujur beli ini lgsg kantong kempes huu.. dan setelah aku coba ternyata hasilnya ga bgtu matte lebih ke combination sih ada dewy looknya gituu, krn kulit aku oily jd aku butuh yg finishnya matte biar ga keling kalo udah minyakan! kalo untuk coverage foundie ini baguss bgt lah cucokk dg harga segitu dan finishnya dia natural!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
30 May 2019
I purchased this foundation at a mall in NYC for $120 last year. I had read and watched a lot of reviews regarding it which were very interestingly intriguing, in my opinion. I have repurchased it one time since last year. According to my experience, the coverage is great. It envelopes my imperfections very beautifully. My sensitive skin does not get any problems and it looks much more elevated after I am done applying and blending it to my face and neck. It is long-wearing, does stay beautifully velvet for eight hours. This foundation does not crease over my under-eyes area after I apply a concealer, which is really great. I use La Mer's powder, too. It sets this Soft Fluid Foundation very nicely and helps preventing any possibility of excess oil and sweat surfacing over my skin. I love it, and I am going to repurchase when it empties 🧡
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
06 Feb 2019
Bisa kebayang gak kalau foundation ini tuh hasilnya kita yang tentuin ? Kl menurut aku finishnya velvet. Not to matte tp gak dewy. And the coverage medium tp bs di layer sampe full. Its sooo beautiful. Bener” cantik banget i dont know what else can i say. It might not be worth the price karna jujur aja banyak jg foundation yang finishnya mirip tp harganya lebih murah. Tapi aku pribadi gak nyesel belinya. Walaupun dengan harganya yg 2 jutaan itu cuma dapet 30ml. I just in loveeee with the result.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :