Guerlain Lingerie De Peau - Beauty Review


Lingerie De Peau

Light Beige

Rp. 69



4 users

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75% users

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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

25 Oct 2021

namiraAzzahra01 doesn't recommend this product!

beli ini karena jatuh cinta sama casenya, tapi agak love hate relationship sama productnya :( formula nya bagus karena bikin kulit terlihat sehat natural tapi entah kenapa susah banget nyatu sama kulitnya :' agak sedih karena ternyata jauh dari expectation

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



40 - 44

Combination, Medium, Neutral

10 Jul 2021

Arrymarin recommends this product!

pakai bedak ini agak agak tricky ya.. karna ini kaya two way cake gitu jadi bukan untuk pemakaian sehari2 menurut saya karna dia bener2 full cover. kenapa tricky karna saya pakai ini setelah sunscreen dan harus ditepuk tepuk pelan applynya kl ngga nanti bedaknya cenderung kaya ngga nyatu sama wajah, malah jadi nambah waktu bermake up. produknya ngga sunscreen friendly. tapi begitu ter apply dengan benar diwajah wow... stunning. wajah jadi glowing dan benar benar menyatu dengan kulit. tahan seharian dan terlihat sangat sehat dan cerah.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Cool

01 Jul 2021

nadinne recommends this product!

Hasilnya matte and natural. Lumayan cover blemish and lumayan meratakan warna kulit sih. Pakai ini kalau mau dandan natural aja. I have a very sensitive skin and kulitku gak bereaksi gimana2 after pakai produk ini. Overall it’s a good product— it does its purpose. Pretty and elegant case too. ☺️

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Mar 2020

nadiashifa recommends this product!

This has been my holy grail for the past year. The packaging is truly luxurious and come with a velvet pouch. It doesn’t have any smell to it and feels so soft to the touch. Being a powder foundation, I use it daily with a brush on top of bare skin (prepped with skincare only) and it will give me a nice medium coverage that lasts through the day. When I need to pack more coverage I use the sponge. It feels soft on my skin, doesn’t sink into fine lines, doesn’t ball up, it fades nicely not blotchy. The finish is also really nice matte that does not feel and look powdery at all, it blends really well with my skin.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Airport