Estee Lauder Double Wear Light - Beauty Review

Estee Lauder

Double Wear Light

Rp. 504.640



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25 - 29

Normal, Light, Neutral

23 Oct 2018

I'm so glad I try this!

I have dry to combination skin and this is my first estee lauder foundation I try. Had never swatched it before, I'm so glad I give it a try, thanks to so many beauty gurus who appraise this tube.

The coverage is light to medium and it does what it says, it stays put even when i was sweating like crazy. The finish is satin, which I think just perfect for any skin type. It didn't move around throughout the day, and my skin looked healthy.

The best thing is, the tube packaging! It's so travel friendly and light!



30 - 34

Dry Skin,25 - 29

15 May 2018

ini BB cream kesukaan akuuu... tp baru2 ini nyari di sephora kata masnya udah distop barangnya T_T kenapa oh kenapaa... ini coverage nya medium, bikin muka alus dan licin, ga bikin komedoan (dengan double cleansing ya), dan gak mengkilap



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Warm

22 Apr 2016

Formulanya ringan dan gak bikin wajah berkomedo. Tampilan akhirnya halus serta tahan lama. Mudah di blend dan menyatu dengan warna kulit. Sayang harganya cukup mahal. Cocok di kulit. Gak bikin jerawat



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Warm

19 Apr 2016

Bener gak sih produk ini udah discountinued?Kemarin main ke estee lauder MKG katanya produknya udah ga keluar lagi, too bad i can't try it :(Tapi sempat nyobain sample yang sisa di counter MKG sabtu kemarin dan memang ringan formulanya.



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Warm

28 Jan 2016

I love this product. It has a natural or no makeup look makeup. It's an escaoe for those who wants a natural look without worryinv if youre looking too much. Either you want to go to the gym or simple occasion i suggest to pick this one.



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

13 Dec 2015

Suka dgn double wear light ini. Teksturnya lebih ringan dr double wear. Untuk kulitku yg oily, oil controlnya lmyn bagus bisa 5-6 jam br di blot. Selain itu foundation ini g melting. Medium coverage, untukku cukup sih krn ga ada acne spot yg parah d wajahku. Dan ga bikin fine lines ku makin kentara



35 - 39

Normal, Light, Cool

25 Sep 2015

Produk ini adalah versi lebih ringan dari estee lauder double wear.

Coveragenya sudah pasti di bawah eldw biasa, coverage eldw light ini sheer to medium. Oil control cukup ok dan staying powernya juga ok

Mungkin jika eldw biasa terlalu berat bisa pilih eldw light ini sebagai alternative



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

18 Sep 2015

Produk ini sangat cocok bagi pemilik oily skin, texturenya cukup pekat, easy to blend (using beauty blender), buildable, medium coverage tapi tetap terasa ringan di wajah, oil controlnya oke, long lasting, membuat wajah jadi flawless.