Dior Dior Backstage face&body foundation - Beauty Review


Dior Backstage face&body foundation


Rp. 620.000



12 users

Reviewed this

83% users

Recommended this


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18 and Under

Normal, Light, Cool

11 Mar 2022

gweeen recommends this product!

cocok buat yang suka no makeup makeup look, buat yang suka clean makeup, yang suka makeup ringan nah cus beli ini yaaa, kekurangannya cuman packagingnya yg kurang convenient jadi bikin berantakan aja sih kadang, tapi sebenernya it’s not a big deal karena cantik packagingnya

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

09 Sep 2021

itsmenadiaaaaa recommends this product!

salah satu foundation favourite! light on skin, medium coverage, but very buildable. terus hasilnya jadi natural glow gt. pretty much like your skin but better! aman bgt buat outdoor activity atau ke gym. kena keringet ga akan luntur krn ini waterproof formula. buat yg baru pertama kali mau beli dan bingung pilih shades bisa ke web //https://www.dior.com/beauty

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

22 Aug 2021

wibiariksaputri recommends this product!

awalnya sempet ragu sama pemilihan warnanya, setelah browse di findation shade 3w ini emang paking pas! untuk muka ak yg teksturenya banyak bopeng ini bagus bangettt! karena light jd ga bikin dempul dan ngeblend banget sama kulit bopeng aku. repurchase? of course tp lg susah nyari shade ini di e commerce

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

20 Jul 2021

indiraraissaj recommends this product!

Best foundation. ever. Kalo dari harga emang udh pengen nangis sih, cuman pas pake emg terbukti bgt bagusnya. Finishingnya matte, buildable juga coveragenya... Buat yang kulit kering saran aku pake skincare/moisturizer yang super lembab dulu biar lebih blendable, buat yang kulit oily you’re good to go! terus dia jg sangat tahan lama. Selalu pakai ini buat daily, selalu ditanyain udh seharian kok ttp on hehe mantap! Tapi aku lagi nyari dupe lokalnya nih huhu ada ga ya... kl repurchase ini belum sanggup ;_;

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Duty Free



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

10 Nov 2020

salma1994 recommends this product!

kenapa bintang 2 tapi aku rekomendasikan? ini dugaanku bakalan cocok buat kulit berminyak deh. di kulit keringku dia bikin makin kering, soalnya ga di set powder juga udah nge set matte sendiri. setiap habis pakai muncul bbrapa bumps. (ciri produk ga cocok di aku). padahal ini jadi holy grail banyak beauty vlogger luar 🙂.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

10 Sep 2020

Irmanuraini recommends this product!

First impression sama produk nya oke banget! natural bgt, not to matte dan masih ada glow finish nya. Coverage nya medium tp bisa bgt di build. Dan yg bikin fav ketika di build tetep lightweight bgt rasanya. Ngga cakey dan awet juga ku pake seharian

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sephora



40 - 44

Combination, Medium, Warm

24 Aug 2020

imelnyamira01 recommends this product!

dapet sample ini dari sephora, suka banget sama hasilnya di muka aku. walaupun shadenya rada kegelapan tapi ga bikin muka keliatan kusam dan warnanya ga berubah setelah beberapa jam. coveragenya medium tapi buildable, jadi cukup untuk menutupi noda diwajah. yg bikin aku jatuh cinta adalah rasanya yg ringan dikulit dan ngga bikin mukaku berminyak sehingga awet selama berjam2.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sample



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Dark, Neutral

22 Feb 2020

cosmicmantra recommends this product!

I dont like wearing foundation and I rarely like a foundation. My skin is typically oily and creamy foundation makes my face feels really heavy. This foundation is my new holy grail. It lasts long, all day, with abit of powdering here and there, there’s a bit of dewy-ness but doesn’t look too oily and glossy.. What i like is the texture, watery, lightweight, easy to apply with my finger, and it sticks to the skin just fine and makes it real smooth if we layer on top with another product i.e powder, blush, bronze... I dont mind wearing this all day as it looks just like my own skin. I feel really good wearing this. The only minus is the smell. It smells like a man’s collogne or perfume which I find it quite irritating.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

05 Dec 2019

sisirezita01 recommends this product!

Ragu banget mau beli ini karna harganya yang lumayan mahal untuk sebuah foundation. Setelah baca-baca review dan ukuran 50ml cukup bnyk isinya buat foundation, akhirnya memutuskan buat beli. Sama sekali ga nyesell, baguss dan sangat lightweight. Suka banget hasil look nya setelah pakai foundie ini dan gaperlu di set pakai bedak karna lama-lama nge set sendiri, tapi tetep ada sedikit glowing nya. LUVVV!!!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sephora



18 and Under

Normal, Medium, Warm

22 Oct 2019

Carissawidya recommends this product!

Claims to be sweatproof and waterproof, which is true. A very lightweight, thin, and watery foundation. Buildable coverage that you can adjust by layering the foundation. Natural glow finishes, but it doesn't slip off your face. It instantly set on your face, so you don't have to set it with powder (unless if you have really oily skin). There are fragrances and alcohol in it, so people with sensitive skin may not love this. But overall I really love how it goes on my skin🥰

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora
