Cle de Peau Beaute Silky Cream Foundation SPF23 - Beauty Review

Cle de Peau Beaute

Silky Cream Foundation SPF23

B20 Light Beige

Rp. 1.589.400



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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

16 Jan 2020

sfilik recommends this product!

Ini foundation bagusssssss banget. Coverage maksimal, hasilnya semi-matte tapi masih natural. Ga bikin breakout sama sekali meskipun sempat kupakai 14 jam(dan crack minimal). Warna tidak oxidize juga. Sayangnya warnanya ga banyak. Lalu sayangnya udah discontinue di Indonesia. Padahal ini the perfect semi-matte foundation. Mantap banget kualitasnya, semantap harganya.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

01 Feb 2019

I bought this accidentally. I needed a proper foundation to go on a special event (considering I didn’t have any, cz I’m more of a light coverage bb/cc/cushion girl) there was a beauty bazaar held by Shiseido brands in my office hall, and this thing was on sale so I bought it in a blink of an eye.
I bought it in the shade O10, and it’s a beautiful match on my NC20-ish skin.
It looks matte and natural! it blends like a dream, blurred my pores, stays the whole day without looking all caked up, and the coverage is medium just the way I like it.
I hate that its so expensive for just a tube of 25ml product 😭😭 but this is waaaay too good.



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

11 May 2018

Ini foundation yg awet banget diwajahku. Dan paling aman utk jenis kulit ku yg sensitif. Pakai sedikit aja udah bisa nutupin pori yg ga sopan ini ? urusan ngecover wajah ini juaranya. Bener2 worth it..



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Cool

12 Sep 2016

one of the best cream foundation at the market!serius, harga emang ga pernah bohong. foundation ini bagus pake banget, aku pake cukup sedikit aja, hasilnya muka bener2 flawless, glowing seharian. walaupun namanya cream, tapi it glides smoothly on skin, blendingnya juga gak susah spt cream foundation kebanyakan.coveragenya medium to full, finishnya natural and satin, really covers any imperfection on my face. blurring pores nya juara banget, bener2 buat muka jd smooth dan glowing tanpa terkesan "full-makeup-y-look"overall aku suka banget sama foundi ini, walaupun bener2 mahal banget harganya.



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

29 Jun 2016

suka bgt dgn foundie ini, aweeettt bgt ga oxydize sama sekali berjm-jam aku pake 8-9 jam gt ga bru ah wrna loh foundienyasemi matte finish (kalo di aku) lumayan nahan minyak juga, ga bikin breakout pastinya, super natural dan nyatu bgt ke kulit. harganya memang waw tapi worth it banget karena kualitasnya bagus bgt. coveragenya lebi bagus daripada radiant fluid foundation, makanya foundie yg ini lebih cocok dipake buat ke event" tertentu. tapi untuk nutup jerawat yg masi merah tetep ga bisa, harus tambah concealer lagi.



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

15 Jun 2016

Termasuk dalam 5 best high end foundation versiku sih. Lol.. Tapi beneran ini foundation hasilnya halus banget di muka. Gak usah terlalu banyak concealer juga udah bisa cover imperfection. Cukup moisturizing, dipake seharian gak bikin problem apapun di kulit. Nyaman, tahan lama sampe 9jam, dan untuk coverage sebagus itu dia termasuk light. Tidak oxidize dan dia meratakan warna kulit. Mahal banget tapi bagus, that's why I love Cle De Peau..