BLP Beauty Face Base - Beauty Review

BLP Beauty

Face Base

N15 Medium Ivory

Rp. 189.000



20 users

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25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Cool

05 Jan 2024

sofianwar recommends this product!

Any complexion products that BLP Beauty sells have me completely smitten! I was in a desperate search for the best foundation and shade that would complement my yellowish-brown complexion, and I believed that ivory would be too light for me. Nevertheless, after using N15, I realised that it matched my skin tone and that my skin would look natural right away. I had encountered this foundation up until now on both formal and informal occasions. My skin did not get oily or runny after using this for my graduation, but it does require loose powder to be baked on after application. Undoubtedly, I will purchase this item once more and consider getting the N20 shade.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Buy from my bestfriend



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Dark, Neutral

15 Nov 2023

embun_kirana recommends this product!

Ini produk pertama yang aku coba dari BLP dannnnnn makin bikin jatuh cinta karna hasilnya yang bikin kulit keliatan lebih sehat aja gitu saat gunakan. Dan dia ringan banget gak berasa pake apapun, tapi hasilnya bikin kulit wajah keliatan sehat aja gitu

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

14 Jul 2023

bumbleB recommends this product!

Biasanya gue pake Face Base W20, dan nyoba shade N15 ini harapannya dia lebih terang, tapi in real life gue kok berasa mirip banget malah slightly lebih gelap.. Tapi so far masih kepake sih, bisa banget diakalin pake produk lainnya :) kalo soal tekstur, performance dan finishnya sih sama aja, artinya produk ini bisa konsisten walaupun shadenya beda-beda..

BLP Beauty Face Base imgfdn-2d41e3cd-76a2-4aac-a7ba-042c30c933d3-2437428 1
BLP Beauty Face Base imgfdn-995597ce-e854-41bd-853b-b337b26b97cb-2437428 2

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

20 May 2023

sovira recommends this product!

ini foundation pertama aku!! karna sebelumnya aku cuma pake cushion doang. ga expect the texture would be so runny n i love it. i can apply it using my finger without any tools 😭🫶 n still got flawless results. i still look fresh even after 12hrs (kena air wudhu + touch up bedak) cuz it does not oxidized on me. masih transfer ke masker kalo ga aku set pake bedak but overall aku suka banget.

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Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Lazada



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

11 May 2023

wisetria recommends this product!

jauh lebih irit dibanding cushion. tekstur encer, jadi pakai sedikit udah bisa cover satu muka. ngga mudah geser maupun ilang, dan oksidasi masih oke. sayangnya, untuk shade medium ivory, warnanya masih cukup kuning untuk undertone netral

BLP Beauty Face Base 230511 610 1

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

08 Apr 2023

DyanaDay recommends this product!

Hoki Bangettt Beli ini pas lagi harga flashsale 50RB🤩 , bener - bener kaya gak pake apa-apa wajah padahal pake foundation Seringan itu hasilnya kaya Second skin Teksturnya sendiri Cair biarpun Cair gampang banget diblandnya pakke spons ataupun brush tapi aku lebih suka pake brush pakaginya dari botol kaca tapi enteng gak berat baguss banget kalo pengen hasil finish wajah yang natural dewy flawless.✨️

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Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

05 Mar 2023

bibianxo recommends this product!

it said to be satin finish, thankfully it is not! tapi ga matte juga, untuk kulit kring krontang enak banget pake ini, ga mengkilap tp bagus banget, shade N15 Medium Ivory ini terbaik banget definisi 2nd skin tp ga bikin dull, kayak warna kulit plek ketiplek in a good way, medium coverage which is good, looking more humanly ga flawless banget gitu pokoknya natural look bagus, texturenya encer cair superr ringaann kaya ga pake foundy,,beneran face base in literary😍 aku ga pake bedak lagi, jd ini aja cukup krn kulit udah super kering, is it safe for daily look? yess definetely it is. repurchase? yes i will because i love the formula❤

BLP Beauty Face Base 230305 313 1
BLP Beauty Face Base 230305 126 2

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Dry, Medium, Neutral

22 Nov 2022

Kynulia recommends this product!

Selalu cintaaa sama blp packagingnya simple tapi mewah warnanya cantikkk kusuka banget sama foundation ini teskturenya cair gampang banget di blend coveragenya medium to full tapi bs dibuild dan buat kulit kering aku nyamann banget dan ga bikin crack cintakk banget sm blp

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Tiktok



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

15 Nov 2022

sulistyawatiar recommends this product!

kalau kamu nyari foundi yg hasilnya natural dan seamless, produk ini bener2 jawabannya. semuanya sesuai dgn klaim mereka, lightweight, natural, hasilnya satin, dan skin like bgt. teksturnya cair bgt, tp dgn tekstur secair ini sih ini udah bagus bgt coveragenya, medium coverage. kalau nyari yg medium-full, cushionnya blp lbh nutup. gak blur pori2, tapi gak menonjolkan tekstur juga. warna N15 di kulitku yg medium tengah2 (gak deep) ini perfect bangeett warnanyaaa, jd ku rasa buat yg kulitnya fair kyknya pilihan warnanya cuma 2. menurut aku face base nya ini agak lbh gelap/ warm di bandingkan cushionnya. minesnya, ini sama sekali gak waterproof sih apalagi kalau gak di set bedak, di pake wudhu auto luntur yg longsor gitu tsay.. tapi kalau di set pake bedak mah rada mendingan. dan juga dy oksidasi setengah sampe 1 shade. overall suka sama produk ini.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Jun 2022

ausyafza recommends this product!

Ini foundation pertama yang bener-bener aku habisin. Dan untuk pemakaiannya tuh hemat banget. Aku biasa pakenya satu pump untuk seluruh wajah. Finishnya kaya second skin, dan coveragenya medium kalo di aku. Tapi buildable banget. Untuk pemakaian sehari-hari tuh enak banget.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website



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