Lunasol Skin Modeling Water Cream Foundation - Beauty Review


Skin Modeling Water Cream Foundation


Rp. 500.000



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35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

22 Jul 2019

Aku sebenernya punya yg shade OC03, numpang review di sini. Hehe. Teksturnya enak, gel cream gitu. Glides well, nyaman pakenya. Coverage-nya menurut aku medium dan buildable to full, jadi ga terlalu usaha2 banget buat nutup kemerahan atau blemishes. Finish foundie ini lebih ke glowy dan masih bisa geser2, jadi mungkin buat yg oily skin types harus di set pake bedak, esp di area idung dan dagu. Also, despite the medium to full coverage, aku suka tampilan foundie ini, masih kayak kulit seger gitu, ga heavy.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

13 Mar 2019

dapet sample jarnya, dan hasilny aoke buatku, ga matte banget namun cukup coverage nya, sayangnya harganya mahal yaaaa... aku sih suka banget sama teksturnya, cream tapi gampang diblend dan hasilnya dewy bikin kulit keliatan poreless

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

29 Sep 2018

Pertama kali pakai Lunasol ini karena ikut workshop Kanebo dan didandanin sama MUAnya, Mr. Sakai (kalo nggak salah). Walau teksturnya ringan, noda2 jerawat gue tertutup banget, sampe takjub. Abis itu keracunan deh dan beli akhirnya. Di kulit nggak berasa lagi pake foundation, very lightweight. Tapi memang perlu build up untuk nutupin redness atau noda. Walau begitu, tetep lightweight dan nggak berasa berat.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



40 - 44

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

14 May 2018

foundationnya lightweight bgt.. enak ntk dipake sehari-hari. foundation ini kurang bisa di build up, karena kalau dibuildup akan jd terlihat tebal, tidak bisa digunakan pada saat cuaca panas, karena cepat "geser" dan agak lama kering nya. Sebelum pakai make up lain sebaiknya tunggu sampai benar2 kering dulu supaya make up lainnya tidak "geser" juga.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



45 and Above

Oily, Medium, Warm

28 Sep 2017

Tried it and loved it! gak berasa berat d muka gw. dn untuk kulit berminyak ini maish cocok. Walapun dalam bbrpa waktu yah akan jadi berasa berat juga. Tapi dibanding yang lain, memang ini cukup ringan. gak terasa kayak pake foundation gitu.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Dry, Light, Cool

20 Mar 2016

light to medium, gak cakey, ga bikin jerawat atau clog pores, dibilang tahan lama sih ga juga ya, apalagi kl udara dingin/ac tiba2 hilang aja itu foundie :( packagingnya ga enak banget kl mao dibawa traveling. trus teksturnya creamy, ga kering jadi gampang dibaurkan.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

24 Aug 2015

Sheer to Medium coverage. Dewy look. Easy to blend, bisa di-layer.
Water-base jadi ramah ke kulit saya yang oily.
Tampilannya bikin wajah kelihatan flawless dan dewy. Tapi lightweight. Ngga bikin breakout. Wadahnya kaca, jadi berat tentunya. But I still like this product and will repurchase, tertutama shade Y03 dan Y02

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

29 Nov 2013

great product, giving natural skin finish with glowy and dewy effect. definitely enhance the skin radiance

very light like water and doesnt break me out

only last for few hours :(
light coverage, i had pimple scars on my cheek(sigh) and this product doesnt cover it well. so you gotta need concealer
the product is in a jar, so less hygienic and less travel friendly

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

03 Oct 2013

I bought this foundation, regardless to the description that it was meant for dry skin.

It comes in a pot with a spatula. The texture is light watery cream that feels a bit jelly-like. Feels cool once applied on the skin, really nice feeling! It gives dewy finish with light to moderate coverage. I have plenty of spots to cover so for me personally, the coverage could be better. As for oil control, this foundation lasts 3-4 hours before I need to touch up around my nose. Wouldn't blame the product, because like I said, it's actually meant for dry skin. Nevertheless, I looove the dewy result it gives me. :) And it feels so light on the skin, I feel it breathable and comfortable all day.

One thing I regret from this foundation, though. The shade range is very limited, and since this is a Japanese brand, none of the shades really matched my NC40-42 skin. I have to contour my face with darker powder to make this work for me. The price is also a bit expensive, but it's still worth to buy.

I think it's a great foundation for dry-combination skin with minor imperfection.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

03 Oct 2013

Pertama kali coba foundation ya dgn lunasol krn kulit saya kombinasi.Saya pilih produk ini krn water base,sejak pertama sdh tdk menempel di wajah,dan jd lebih berminyak. Untuk harga relative termasuk produk mahal.Tp sayang hasilnya tdk sebaik harganya

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :
