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21 Aug 2016
I love this foundation!Suitable for Dry to Combo Skin.It has a creamy texture, but the finish result is satin to matte in my skin depending on the weather.There is nothing bad to say about this foundation.It's a must try, at least once in a life time ;)
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
11 Sep 2015
Penasaran dengan foundation mahal ini, pas dapat share dari temen, seneng bangettt...
Teksturnya creamy, halus banget, light. Wanginya khas orchidee.
Dipake langsung nyerap di muka, easy to blend. Aku blend pake tangan.
Hasilnya satin finish, glowing, muka jadi halus. Coveragenya medium. Gak accentuate dry patches, pori2 ngeblur.
Oil control kurang ok, 4 jam dah harus blot. Pake 6 jam dah luntur.
Aku set foundienya pake teint rose compact.
Hari ini pakein shiseido primer dulu sebelum pake foundie. Lebih awet, kagak luntur
Gak cakey, sedikit oxi, mungkin karena shadenya kurang light.
Overall : suka ama foundie ini.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :