GlamGlow Glowsetter - Beauty Review



No shade, Make up setting spray

Rp. 585.000



9 users

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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

10 Jan 2021

virlanabila recommends this product!

THIS PRODUCT IS UNDERRATED. kenapa banyak org yg gak notice betapa bagusnya produk ini? bener bener bikin makeup aku long lasting tanpa bikin complexion kering kerontang macem UD All Nighter dan MUFE Light Velvet mist. my combination to dry skin loves this setting spray soooo much! sedihnya skrg udh jarang stocknya di sephora.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



40 - 44

Normal, Light, Neutral

09 Aug 2020

Bubbleshine recommends this product!

i bought this in Dfs Changi actually it was a blind buy coz i havent used any of glamglow things for almost 4 years.didnt expect too much from this coz the packaging is plastic neon pink bottle looks cheesy to me🤭 .Nothing's special in the ingredients but when i tried it on..ohh hello...the nozzle is perfectly creating a very fine mist.i would say ultra mist coz it feels like a has vanilla gourmand fragrance which i adore🥰🥰.as a setting spray,i dont think it last more than 6 hours but it does create a beautiful glow without shimmering particles.i prefer to use this as hydrating spray and glamglow provides a travel size bottle too.yes i have two bottles now and the big one seems last forever 🤭🤭🤭

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : DFS



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

13 Sep 2019

dianni recommends this product!

Beli ini karena penasaran sama produk glam glow,,,karena biasanya aq pakai beberapa produk skin care glam glow cocok banget,,,dr segi packaging ini tuh cute dengan botol berwarna pink,,dr segi kualitas juga ok,,,hanya memang banyak brand lainnya dengan harga sama tetapi mungkin dengan kualitas lebih sih menurutku,,dan wanginya ini enak banget,partikel spray nya juga bagus,jadi wajah tuh gak yg langsung basah banget dan lebih awet pastinya.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Singapore duty free



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 May 2019

Setting spray pertama yang aku gunakan saat aku udah mulai suka dunia per mek ap an yah.
Setting spray ini wangi, efeknya di aku dewy, jd kalo abis pake highlighter, lsg terpampang nyata pas abis di semprot ini. Harganya agak pricy, menurutku resultnya sama dengan produk” sejenis tp dengan harga yang lebih murah. But boleh di coba!



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

29 May 2019

I am currently using Glowsetter and have been a fan of it as well. Based on my experience of seven months using it, Glowsetter does set my makeup for over eight hours. My skin does not get oily in the middle of the day even when it is really warm or rather hot. Not only that, but Glowsetter also prevents my skin to turn dry when I am in a room with air-conditioner that is cooler and potentially patch my skin due to any possiblity of it even turning into cold. I have a sensitive skin but this Glowsetter does not cause any allergies or skin problems so far. I am going to repurchase it very soon because it is almost empty. I have repurchased it one time since I first purchased it seven months ago. I love Glowsetter💗



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

20 May 2019

Aaaah suka banget sama setting spray ini. Partikel” sprayny super kecil bgt, jadi ga merasa kayak ditabok aja :) Flawless banget saat pake, trs ada bau” vanillany klo saya pribadi sih suka yah yang ada baunya.. Selain itu... ini bisa bener” ngelock make up ku dari jam 10 smpe jam 7-an, makeup” ku msih kelihatan dri blush on, highlighter, eyeshadow dsb. Cman bikin kantong jebol aja :”) Makany pake saat kondangan aja deh :”)))



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

02 Feb 2019

It does make your skin look dewy. It works really well. Partikelnya juga kecil” jd gak buat muka kaya lsg becek gitu. Jd gak ada water stain dimuka. My only problem with this setting spray is, parfumnya wangi bangettt super manis. Kl aku agak gak suka yg super wangi gini soalnya buat pusing. But that’s personal issue.



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

23 Aug 2018

So far ini adalah setting spray kesukaan aku n andalan aku banget sih. Uda coba punya urban decay yang all nighter tapi aku lebih cocok sama glamglow ini, wangi’nya berasa banget sih. Pas disemprot ke wajah terus make up km bakalan melting dan jd flawless banget, kalian harus cobain beneran se worth it itu menurutku



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

16 May 2018

To be honest, this is my first setting spray. Krn dulunya aku berpikiran setting spray ga penting buat daily make up. Well... sejauh ini yg aku rasain dgn produk ini adalah make up lebih tahan dibandingkan kalo ga pake ini. Selain itu, muka tetep lembab walupun pake make up agak lama, considering i have dry skin. Glowing/dewy look nya juga pas gak silau yg lebay gitu. I like it.