Rimmel Kate Sculpting and Highlighting Kit - Beauty Review


Kate Sculpting and Highlighting Kit

002 Coral glow

Rp. 7



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25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Feb 2019

Menurutku dy nggak pigmented, tp aku malah suka untuk bronzer dan highlighter nya krn nggak too much gitu shimeringnya dan jd kelihatan natural bisa ku pake ke kantor. PAO cukup lama 24M klo ga salah jd ngirit krn ku ga suka gonta ganti kec udah expired. Ketahanan b aja 4 jam di ruang ac. Krn harga lumayan tp kualitas b aja cm sukanya lbh kelihatan natural.



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Warm

11 Jun 2017

Agak kecewa sama pallette ini. Kalo dari luarnya kelihatan cantik warnanya. Tapi setelah dipakai kalo menurutku jadi terlalu berkilap karena bronzer sama blushnya shimmerry banget. Kalo highlighternya kurang cocok di aku juga.



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Neutral

17 Dec 2016

beli palette ini karena kemasannya yg compact, karena udah ada contour, blush dan highlighter nya. sempet liat bbrp review di
youtube, dan yg aku liat semua bilang ini bagus, jd akhirnya aku beli deh. tapiii ternyata kecewa. ga sesuai ekspektasi aku sama sekali. semuanya ga pigmented. highlighternya yg aku harap bagus, ternyata pun ga sesuai harapan. so now i'm still on a hunt to find a much better palette than this one.



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

07 Dec 2016

Aku nyesel beli palette ini. Nggak pigmented sama sekali, udah berapa kali dipulas pun. Kalau diliat di tempat terang, muka juga terlalu glittery bikin muka kayak disco ball, jadi nggak glowing secara natural gitu. Mungkin harusnya aku beli yang shade lebih gelap lagi, tapi aku udah keburu kecewa jadi mending pindah ke palette dari merek lain. Harganya murah sih, mungkin ada harga ada barang ya. Aku sih mending beli palette lain yg lebih mahal tapi hasilnya bagus. repurchase? NOPE.



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

05 Nov 2016

This palette consisted of 3 products, a highlighter, blusher and contour. All three have shimmery finish. The powder tends to flake and crumble, which make the packaging a mess. First, the highlighter: the highlighter has soft shimmery finish, so this is suitable for everyday/day use. But for a night out or glam look, I dont think the highlighter is sufficient for this purpose. Secondly, the blusher: I like this blush! It looks really pretty on my skin. The color is coral-y, which is neither too pink-y nor orange-y. Really good for everyday use when I don't have any particular make up look / color theme I'm aiming for. Last, the contour. I'm not sure if this product should be used for contouring or as bronzer. It has slight shimmer, which makes it weird for shading. But the shade itself is not reddish or bronze-y, and the shimmer is not too strong so I guess this can be used for shading. I have used all three and I think the colors work well and compliment each others for a glowing look. But If you're aiming for heavy contouring/sculpting, this palette is not the one you're looking for. So overall, I am satisfied with this palette, I might repurchase it in the future if I don't found better product.