Makeup Revolution revolution conceal and define concealer - Beauty Review

Makeup Revolution

revolution conceal and define concealer


Rp. 200



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19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

25 Oct 2019

audreyayudia recommends this product!

INI CONCEALER/FOUNDATION MY GO TO! di hari-hari males make makeup tapi butuh coverage, ini adalah produk yang paling membantu👌 beli ini karena iseng dan lagi diskon. TERNYATA JADI PRODUK PALING SERINGG DIPAKEE😭😭 creamynya gak main dan bagus banget buat daily use

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Priceline



18 and Under

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

25 Nov 2018

I love thisss!The color matches my skin (mine is in the shade C11) I bought this for about Rupiah 120ish and i think it is so worth to buy. It really conceal my eyes and its matte so i really like it.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Light, Warm

28 Sep 2018

Ini yang sempet heboh dibilang dupe nya tarte shape tape concealer yg hype banget itu.. Aku personally ga gitu suka sama si tarte shape tape karna di aku terlalu thick & agak drying gitu, pas ini keluar penasaran beli karna katanya gak se thick si shape tape.. My new favorite concealer! Ga creasing, gampang di blend, coveragenya okeee.. Cuma isinya dikit sih, lebi cepet abisnya drpd concealer biasanya..

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Oily, Medium, Neutral

20 Sep 2018

Concealer ini shade warnanya banyak banget, harganya murah banget. Byk yg bilang dupe nya tarte shape tapi, tapi ya jelas beda. Di undereye aku ini lebih nyaman dripada tarte shape tape. Tarte cepet banget ngecrack dan terlalu kering for my 30's something undereye. But for you who wants to try tarte shape tape but too expensive, this is a shot

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



18 and Under

Combination, Medium, Warm

09 Sep 2018

ini concealer pertama gue yg bener bener sama warnanya sama kulit gue. shade c10. bagusss bgt sih ini. agak agak dupe si tarte shape tape cuma ini mnrt gue lebih creamy. long wearing juga. easy to blend. gak patchy di kulit gue yg kadang sangat dry ini. packagingnya lucu rose gold gitu ehehe. daaaan murah. definitely repurchasing this. cosnya cuma satu: wanginya gaenakkk. tapi masih bearable kok.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

06 Jul 2018

honestly, beli ini karena iseng aja, secara harganya cuma 4€ kalo dirupiahin mungkin sekitar 70ribuan, dan hasilnya ya lumayan untuk ngurangin atau menyamarkan bawah mata. kalo dibilang dupes tarte, aduh gak kebeli tarte nya haha jadi gatau, tapi kalo aku pribadi suka suka aja, range warna banyak banget! aku pake C6 orange2 dikit tapi masih bisa dipake.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :