Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Setting Spray - Beauty Review

Charlotte Tilbury

Airbrush Flawless Setting Spray

Rp. 55



28 users

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25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Cool

18 Jul 2024

liesth recommends this product!

awal beli bukan karena mau tapi ditawarin temen yang buka jastip hongkong katanya bagus bgttt, setting spray sering dipake MUA profesional, bener2 bikin makeup nempel gak geser.
pas coba pertama kali aja bs realize sih emg sebagus itu, krna kulit gue dry jadi biasa makeup pake foundie / cushion apapun pasti ngecrack 4-5 jam stelah makeup. tapi pas pertama x pake ini langsung wahhh ajaib ni setting spray, gak geser beneran foundie gue 🤣
biasanya redness muka dh keliatan grgr kena tissue la / kacamata. ini ngga wkwkwk
worth to buy walaupun pricey, yg mau coba bole mini size dlu biar tau.
soalnya selama pake setting spray kaya ga ngefek apa2 dimuka gue, kaya sometinc ga ngefek apa2 😂

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : JASTIP HONGKONG



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

24 May 2024

catharinanggraeni recommends this product!

No wonder why this setting spray has been everyone’s favorites. memang setahan itu untuk hold makeup kita. aku pake setting spray ini dan udah panas2an siangnya, keringetan, tapi makeup ku tetep stay ditempat. ngga ada yg luntur. ada sedikit wangi yg segar.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

08 May 2024

pratiwiadn recommends this product!

aku taruh high expectation sih buat produk ini since udh diomongin dimana2 and I have a courage juga buat ikut beli dan… BAGUSSSSS BANGET! hahaha sesuai claim org2 diluar sana sih. udah gitu wangi pol huhu aku suka, makeup ku nempel padahal seharian jalan kaki di Spore tp dia ga geser samasekali berkat setting spray/priming water ini!!!

Airbrush Flawless Setting Spray imgfdn-f181710a-7c11-4e56-9a6a-4920d0c1d1ac

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora



18 and Under

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Apr 2024

yasmimin_ recommends this product!

the best setting spray ive ever tried so far. I thought it would be like any other setting spray but it really holds your makeup all day. usually my skin will crack during the day but when i use this, my base doesnt move.. one thing i dont like about this product is the smell, the fragrance is a bit too strong but other than that its a good setting spray

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

13 Apr 2024

beatrixmicha recommends this product!

Sebagai pemilik kulit combi oily dan tinggal di tempat yg humid aku agak sadar diri kalo claimnya ga bakal sebombastis itu, cuma emang setting spray ini bagusss bangett?!! Yg pernah ketemu tasya farasya pasti liat complexionnya bener2 nyatu alus, nah pake ini bisa achieve look kayak gitu! Bener2 nyatu, ga dempul, flawless, dan menurut aku finishnya ga deadmatte, malah jadi radiant, soooo good! ✨ Awal2 aku merasa muka jadi kaku ketarik kyk kata orang2, tapi lama2 hilang. Tetep ada creasing di smile line, wajar banget karena aku sendiri emg anaknya agak ekspresif 🤣 base makeup geser dalam waktu 6 jam juga minim banget, fade juga ga ada selama ga disentuh2. Botolnya dari plastik, lega banget ga bakal takut pecah kalo kesenggol, tutupnya warna rosegold cakep bangett ❤️ Spraynya ga mist semenyebar itu, tapi masi oke banget ga bikin kaget 🙂 worth it ga? Kalo kamu emg mengutamakan complexion flawless anti dempul, BIG YESS!!!!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Neutral

09 Apr 2024

GloriaPujihu recommends this product!

Aku beli yg mini size yg 34ml dan packaginya menurut aku biasa banget sebenarnya untuk harga yg lumayan yakk 🤣 tapii yg ukuran ini aja untuk aku udah buanyakkkk berasa ga abis abis 🤓 spraynya menurut aku ga yg spread out banget terus ga soft aja gitu rasanya waktu kena muka but beside that ini super baagussss aku suka make up jadi kek glowing cakep gituuu, terus grippingnya muantepp poll!! Makeup auto stay ditempat, ga ada drama cakey dll 😚🫶🏻 kalo mau yg agak mirip ini menurut aku ada tuh brand lokal yg warna pink ya tapi bukan yg orennya, lumayan lah hasilnya mirip ama iniii ✌🏻 untuk wanginya menurut aku ga yg gimana-gimana sih kek biasa aja 🫶🏻

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Mar 2024

rikakuncoro11 recommends this product!

satu kata sih buat produk ini “terbaik” hehe, duhhh beneran bisa ngeset makeup awet flawless trus ak msh suka pake masker kan smpe skrng kl di tempat umum itu tuh beneran transfer proof no noda2 di masker samsek pdhal udh full makeup, wanginya tuh enakkkk segerrrrr dan menurutku worth to buy ya, krn emng sebotol tuh awet banget meski ak pakenya kadang bar2 hehehe

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

15 Mar 2024

vanessamandy recommends this product!

the best setting spray for me! pake ini sekitar 3-4 spray makeup langsung jadi nyatu, flawless, and tahan seharian sampe malem! biasanya kalau traveling aku bawa ini biar makeupnya tahan seharian. no more creasing/ cakey makeup kalo udah pake ini! worth every penny

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Neutral

11 Mar 2024

Anette recommends this product!

It is a good product, but at that price point, i think it is overpriced for the formula. Spray nya kadang nyandat dan tidak menyebar halus jadi basah sekali di beberapa spot. Di wajahku yang oily, kurang oil controlnya, lebih ke glowy finish look throughout the day (i don’t really like it). Kalau base dan prep kurang oke dikit, ini ya tetap buat geser dan transfer ke masker atau meleleh. Masih tolerable hanya saja i expect more as the claim on thi product is so bombastic🤣 smells nice is the plus point, dan kemasannya desainnya cakep dan classy. Not gonna repurchase since it is too expensive and i have a better one.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Warm

18 Feb 2024

zalfanatya recommends this product!

Best setting spray out there. I do feel like I got through it quite fast but it does amazing at holding your makeup all day or all night. i initially bought this product because of all the rave on tiktok about it but it’s actually worked really good since i bought it. I recommend this if you haven’t tried it already.

Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Setting Spray imgfdn-62706ff0-a1fd-4585-b934-1381d02cc3ec-2555647 1

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
