theBalm Voyage Travel Palette - Beauty Review


Voyage Travel Palette

Rp. 800.000



24 users

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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

29 Aug 2021

Kanaierru recommends this product!

Waktu itu seneng banget dibawain oleh-oleh ini, warnanya cantik
ukurannya sih agak gede ya waktu dikasih tau ini travel size 😂
tapi warnanya gelap lebih banyak ketimbang yang terang cuma sedikit.
Pigmented ga usah ditanya ya..
udah pasti bagus banget..

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Warm

25 Feb 2020

dojxa recommends this product!

Super funky eyeshadow palette for nightout or to play with! The balm has always been one of my favorite make up brand and I really like all the funky colors in this palette. The packaging is adorable and it has little mirror inside the palette so it’s perfect to travel with or to just have it on display in your toom because it’s super cute and the price is super affordable 😻🤍

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

09 Jul 2019

Pallette pertama yang aku beli!!! Karena emang ga butuh butuh banget, jadi ga terlalu tertarik sama eyeshadow pallette. Dan setelah cobain ini, ko ngerasa kurang pigmented ya.. falloutnya juga lumayan~ dan susah diblend juga. Ya emang sih aku ga ngerti banget soal make up, tapi aku suka nontonin channel youtubenya beauty vlogger hehe but, the packaging so cute!!!!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Oct 2018

The balm memang terkenal banget dengan packaging nya yang lucu dan berkesan vintage. Warna warna eyeshadow di Balm Voyage ini juga cukup berani.
Sayangnya menurut aku kurang oke. Warnanya kurang pigmented, sulit di blend, dan banyak fall out nya.
Aku sih suka dengan cream blush + lipstick nya. Warnanya aman dan cantik.
Tapi aku ga akan repurchase

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

24 May 2018

love the eyeshadows! Pilihan warnanya bagus-bagus dan bisa buat eyelook apa aja. Warna gold/ metalic rose goldnya bisa dijadiin. Dari warna natural dan ada yg mencolok. highlighter. The cream blushes juga bagus walaupun aga susah di blend. Worth it!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

06 Feb 2018

nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice. nice.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Light, Warm

26 Jan 2018

the balm memang the best deh untuk masalah make up..
gak mudah pudar walalupun muka aku kena air berkali kali..warnanya malah makin kuat..harga memang sabnat menentukan kualitas..aku gk kecewa beli ni wlwpun hrs nguras isi dompet...wkwkwk

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

15 Mar 2016

Harganya cukup terjangkau.Warna dari hasil pengaplikasiannya pigmented, namun akan semakin maksimal dengan eye primer.Eyehshadow pallete ini sangat variatif warnanya... repurchase? Maybe... karena jarang beli eyeshadow berulang

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

02 Mar 2016

Sejujurnya agak pricey yaa. Tapi yaa worth to buy juga, ga nyesel kok. Cuma utk repurchase sepertinya enggak. Karena warna2nya jarang aku pake. Tapi untuk hand carried makeup i would say yes to it. Dalam 1 pallete ada utk mata, pipi, dan bibir. Warnanya juga keluar bgt. Cocok utk yg suka dan berani dg warna2 yg menonjol. 

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Dry, Light, Neutral

01 Mar 2016

i have it!! baru aja nyoba sih..karena tertarik sama lipstik palette nya hehehehmmm...eyeshadow nya oke sih...cuma warnanya jarang2 kepake buat aku...palingan aku pake buat makeup fashion aja (sometimes)kl lisptiknya kepake selalu...sukak sm warnanya plus moist kalo dipake :D

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :
