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08 Jan 2022
lavenda recommends this product!
I know right that this is a limited edition of Bobbi Brown Palletes that you may rare to see it again! guess I bought this at Changi years ago and this is my very first Pallete! Satu2 nya pallete yang hitpan di aq dan aq simpen sampe skarang.. Dulu pernah ada trend smokey eyes.. yeah might be Avril Lavigne looks, yang keliatannya kereeen banget, apalagi kalu bahannya si pallete ini.. warna2nya looks darker, no fallout in all colours, formulanya padet banget (sampe berkali kali jatoh tapi ga ada yg crack, a sturdy one! ) tipe yang ga creamy, tapi di mata langsung pop up walaupun dulu ga ada yg namanya based eyeshadow atau trend concealer in eyes for the based.. Just put daily moisturizer and then bang! your smokey eyes will good with this.. what a memorable pallete for me..
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store