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30 Jun 2024
nice_ima recommends this product!
Concealer ini oke banget krn dia tahan lama hingga 12 jam. Teksturnya ringan, light dan creamy . Gampang banget nge-blend dan high coverage so pasti nutupin kantung mata. Warna kulit yg ngga rata dan noda hitam jerawat ketutup sih. Salah satu concealer wajib punya sih krn harganya friendly banget dan hasil akhir high end.
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Watson
10 May 2024
adelyanp recommends this product!
The shade suits a variety of light to medium skin tones, offering a seamless blend. Its creamy texture provides high coverage without feeling heavy, perfect for hiding dark circles or blemishes. The long-lasting formula stays put throughout the day, with minimal creasing. Despite its matte finish, it doesn't dry out the skin, making it suitable for most skin types. However, if you're prone to dryness, a good moisturizer beforehand is a must. The applicator is precise, allowing for targeted application. Ideal for those who want a concealer that delivers coverage and longevity without the need for constant touch-ups.
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
10 May 2024
chelsea08 recommends this product!
Udah pakai 2 tube, and i'm going to use my 3rd one! Skin tone aku cukup terang dan agak sulit buat nemu concealer yang bisa lebih terang dari warna kulitku, dan concealer Makeover ini salah satu product yang bisa aku pakai! Productnya gak gampang creasing kalau kupakai, and mostly it's very easy to blend! Plus osidasinya gak begitu parah (for my case!)
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : XBeauty by Female Daily
27 Feb 2023
Cndycandy recommends this product!
Produk ini coverage-nya oke. Bisa nutupin bekas jerawat, trus dia juga ga bikin crack. Tapiiii dia cepet banget nge-setnya, aku gatau sih itu kelebihan atau kekurangan tapi karena cepet nge-set jadinya begitu diaplikasiin harus langsung di blend, kalau ga ntar malah kaya cakey gitu dibagian concealer-nya. Tapi masih bagus kok untuk concealer.
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Shopee
15 Aug 2022
Cresencindy recommends this product!
One thing i like about this concealer is… this is cheap. Dan dengan harga yg bisa dibilang murah tapi Coveragenya medium to full i really like it, dari texturenya pas sih ga cair2 amat dan ga yg terlalu thick. Gampang di blend juga dan ga ngecrack. Would definitely repurchase this concealer,
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Watson
27 May 2022
silviaboentoro recommends this product!
Pertama kali cobain concealer make over karna lagi promo +1000 dapet 2 di guardian. Harganya menurut aku masih make sense & sesuai sama kualitas produknya. Coverage nya menurut ku medium. Packagingnya simple, ga berisik, & sekilas mirip sama packaging concealer NARS. It’s a good product to try
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Guardian
10 Feb 2022
mthnns recommends this product!
Texture nya so so, gak gt kental gak gitu cair. Sayangnya, doski cepet bgt ngeset. Jadi habis di apply kudu cepet di blend. Warnanya pas di skin tone aku, coverage over all medium to build. Kadang aku cuman pake ini buat base makeup (mager pake foundie karna ngerasa terlalu berat) trs timpa bb cushion. Tapi gak tahan lama alias nge crack gt, entah memang salah di aku karna kurang moist primer nya apa gmn ga ngerti sih karna aku jarang2 bgt makenya🥲🙌🏻 tapi ok kok buat daily use💁🏻♀️
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Sociolla
23 Aug 2021
victorique recommends this product!
coverage medium to full, bagus banget gak crack dan mudah di blend. tahan lama dipakainya, formulanya bener bener enak. aku salah beli shade 😭 no 1 terlalu terang buat aku jadi rada ashy, aku pakai dimix foundie yang kurang terang dan hasilnya bagus hehe. must have banget buat nutupin jerawat dan blemish
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Beauty Studio
07 Jul 2021
iphingcn recommends this product!
ini concealer sebenernya lumayan baguss nutupin darkspot tapi area bawah mata aku agak kering jadi kalo pakenini patchy karena dia memang hasilnya matte dan lumayan thickk🥲 tapi tetep bagus sihh dan tahan lama👍🏻 tapi kayaknya butuh cari concealer lain
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Indomaret
16 Jun 2021
gabriellarachel recommends this product!
no words for this karena memang concealer yg bagus bangett, agak berat jadi i don't recommend using this jadi foundation (memang guna nya kan to conceal aja hehe), warna nya juga pas banget di kulit aku yg trmsk light. VERY HIGH COVERAGE, worth dgn harga nya!
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Shopee