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17 Oct 2021
Lovable29 recommends this product!
This cushion has 3 shades, mine is shade no. 23 Medium color I don't like wearing make up, I only do it on certain days or when I feel like it 😅
This cushion from Abib is very light when applied to the face, the final result also looks dewy 😍
I think the coverage is medium, because acne scars and uneven skin tone are still visible.
but if you have good skin and don't like thick make up, this can be an option because it can show a no make up look.
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
04 May 2021
MsLia recommends this product!
Cushion ketiga aku. Texturenya ringan bangett dibandingin cushion lama aku, berasa ngga pakai makeup! 🥰😍 Kekurangannya itu dia cukup keliatan transfernya ke masker gitu, selain itu, bagus. Sayangnya, susah cari tempat repurchasenya 😭
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
16 Feb 2021
Marsasaurus doesn't recommend this product!
Saya review cushion ini beberapa hari yang lalu, tp reviewnya dihapus(?). Kenapa? Jadi saya baru pesen abib ini, warna 23 yg sayangnya kegelapan di kulit saya. Harusnya pesen yg nomor 22. Formula wise, sangat ringan, tdk terasa seperti pakai make up. Kekurangan, shadenya dikit banget. Warna kulit saya jadi abu-abu.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point : Shopee