Make Up For Ever Full Cover Concealer - Beauty Review

Make Up For Ever

Full Cover Concealer


Rp. 450.000



35 users

Reviewed this

20% users

Recommended this


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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

28 Jun 2023

poisonigy recommends this product!

love this a lotss! i used this for covering the dark area, eyes area and ofcourse pimples and acnes. it covers everything. very coverage, and maybe has matte-velvet finish? easy to blend, and buildable. all i need just a pinch of concealer and can covers everything

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



35 - 39

Dry, Light, Warm

05 Apr 2021

Stavol recommends this product!

Kalo untul concealer the best lah, tapi cocoknya buat jeraeat atau belas jerawst aja, ga cocok untul bawah mata ya terlalu keringggg.. pake dikit aja ud nutup smua dan ga gampang luntur alias tahan lamaa.. dikit2 pakenya yaa tp abis jg😂 sedih aku harganua lumayan mahal

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : SOGO



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Warm

23 May 2020

ingejohari recommends this product!

Concealer paling bagus yg aku pernah cobaa👏🏻👏🏻High coverage bangettt, pake dikit aja udah nampol, a little goes a long wayyy pake tiap hari setaun jg belom abis2, waterproof bgtt udah perna dipake ke waterboom, long lasting dipake 24 jam juga concealer ini gagerak samasekali ga crack jugaa asal jgn pake di bawah mata karena too thick texturenya, dann di kulit sensitif kaya aku dia ga memperparah sama sekalii ga nimbulin jerawat meski dipake lama kaya concealer lainnya. Karena texturenya cream, kalo punya foundie yg light bgt bisa dicampur dan hasilnya bakal lebih cover. Super recommended!💖💖

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Warm

26 Dec 2019

naomidjja recommends this product!

Concealer terbaik yg pernah aku pake buat nutupin bekas jerawat dan dosa2 dimuka. Produk wajib pas makeup. Blm ada yg bisa gantiin ini concealer, Coveragenya bagus bgttt, dimuka aku jg ga bikin tambah jerawatan dll. Udh 2thnan pake concealer ini 💖

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Warm

18 Dec 2019

prizkaavl recommends this product!

What I love about this concealer is the fact that it stays no matter the odds, mau kena air berkali-kali jg tetep ga geser. Pake dikit aja udah full coverage jadi ok banget buat dark spots tp buat undereye di aku jadinya kering. Paling (-)nya krn matte bgt jadi nge-blendnya gak gt mudah but it’s ok as I’m very impressed with its coverage and staying power <3

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

06 Nov 2019

Adlinars recommends this product!

warnanya bener-bener bagus dan menutup dark spot dengan sempurna. pokoknya coveragenya full banget sesuai namanya, cuma butuh setitik kecil banget untuk banyak imperfections. setelah nge-set, dia gak geser dan bener-bener waterproof. cuma dia gabisa banget dipakai sendiri di bawah mata karena bakalan terlalu kering jadinya. repurchase? absolutely yes dong!

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

12 Sep 2019

karinsyhd recommends this product!

Warnanya cocok banget sama kulitku. Banyak yg bilang ini oxidize ya cuma aku ga ngerasa sih mungkin karna gitu pake langsung aku set pake bedak kali ya? Cuma kurang sukanya dari produk ini tuh matte banget:( jadi agak tricky ya pakenya. Pertama coba aku gapake skincare apa2 terus jadi keliatan cakey lama2 karna terlalu matte. Tp setalah dicoba pake pelembab dulu dan segala macam bagus sih. A little goes a looonggg way. Hemat jadinya hehehe. Oiya aku pakai yg shade 05

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sephora



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Warm

19 Jun 2019

Awalnya aku salah beli shade dan warnanya agak kegelapan di aku krn tipe concealer ini memang oxidize 1 atau 2 tone lebih gelap dari kulit kita. Dan setelah sekian lama aku mencoba tuk repurchase lagi dengan shade 5 Vanilla yang bisa di bilang match my skin tone 100% dan memiliki yellow neutral undertone. Pada saat pemakaian concealer ini agak tricky sih nurut aku, krn bentuknya tube jd aku totol langsung di bagian problematic area dan di blend pake flat top brush agar coveragenya maximal dan concealer ini harus di set pakai bedak jika engak, maka concealer ini akan oxidize luar biasa. Dan usually kalo aku mau no make up make up look, this concealer is my go to base make up only. Ketahanannya mantap dan gak mudah geser. 100% aku akan repurchase lagi ❤️

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

12 Feb 2019

This is my favorite high end concealer. The coverage is amazing. It does not crease after many hours of application. My under eyes look brighter afterwards. It does not dry my under eye areas. I have purchased this concealer many times because I used to wear it every day when I’m going out.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

04 Feb 2019

Concealer nya bagus, hampir full coverage menurut aku, Dan matte bgt tapi bukan yang kering banget juga. Tapi Salah beli shade nya, aku lupa nomer brp yg ku ambil, tapi agak kegelapan Di aku, jd jarang bgt dipake :(

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :
