Laura Mercier Caviar Volume Panoramic Mascara - Beauty Review

Laura Mercier

Caviar Volume Panoramic Mascara

Rp. 25



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35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Cool

2 days ago

fridocha recommends this product!

Yang paling eye catching dari maskara ini menurutku adalah sizenya karena lumayan jumbo ya 😂,brushnya pun juga. Tapi begitu dipakai gak ada yg menggumpal sama sekali,lembut bgt. Efeknya juga sangat natural ga bikin bulu mata keliatan over length atau over volume. Dan yang aku suka ga bikin bulu mata jadi kaku, soft banget formulanya

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

12 Jun 2019

I purchased Caviar Volume Panoramic Mascara on last week. My auntie who happened to be in NYC for two weeks, was flying back here, bringing it home to me this afternoon. I tried applying this mascara earlier today. I still have it on now. The wand is perfect for my slightly slanted eyes, in my opinion. It blackened, thickened, and lengthened my natural eyelashes beautifully. I also did not find it difficult applying it on my bottom lashes, which is great. This Caviar Volume Panoramic Mascara did not clump my eyelashes nor did it turn them sticky, either. I am sure it will be effortlessly quick to remove this mascara off of my eyelashes because my eyelashes were not harden after eight hours of application this afternoon. I will repurchase Caviar Volume Panoramic Mascara three months later since I am going to use it everyday 🖤