DHC Double Protection Mascara - Beauty Review


Double Protection Mascara

Rp. 18



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25 - 29

Normal, Medium Light, Cool

22 May 2021

Trot.00 recommends this product!

Japanese brand polymer mascara. It has the runniest formula of all polymer mascara I ever had. It has thin wand brush which is nice to my long asian type lashes because it helps to coat evenly in every strands. Very safe to sensitive eyes. It just doesn't curl as much as other brand does but it quite thicken my lash but looks good on bottom lashes. Is it a dupe for clinique lash power? I do think so but in less overwhelming way. It also the most affordable compared to the other brands.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

23 Jan 2021

benedictaseruni recommends this product!

Harganya memang agak mahal tapi bagus banget sampai kalau sale pasti nyetok. Tahu mascara ini karena Lisa Eldridge dan ini favoritnya Emma Watson juga karena mudah dibersihkan and I agree. Dia ga smudge under the eyes aku kecuali aku pakai sunscreen oil. Bersihinnya mudah dan ga bikin bulu mata aku rontok. Dia bikin bulu mata kepisah pisah gitu. Ketahanan curlnya memang ga begitu lama tapi karena dia ga bikin mata aku gatel dan juga ga smudging, aku cinta banget. Kalau mata kalian sensitif wajib nyobain mascara ini.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sociolla



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

14 Oct 2019

peacockgreen recommends this product!

Beli ini gara2 Lisa Eldridge. Favorit banget dengan spoolie-nya yg super mini. Ini termasuk tubing mascara, bukan fiber, jadi dia ga memanjangkan banget tapi masih bisa terlihat lentik kok. Dan gak menggumpal sama sekali. Dan daya tahannya tetap sama seperti Kiss Me, ga bleber, dan bener gampang dibersihkan dengan air hangat (I still use makeup remover first hehe). Maskara ini habis dalam waktu pas 3 bulan dan selama durasi itu dia nggak tiba2 mengering. Cons-nya, it’s not vegan.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Instagram



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