Majolica Majorca Gel Liquid Liner - Beauty Review

Majolica Majorca

Gel Liquid Liner


Rp. 148.800



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40 - 44

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

22 Jul 2019

Pernah punya juga ini dan sempet pake sampe beberapa pcs, awal coba krn liat temen2 ku pake pada bilang bagusss dan memang sih kualitas nya bagus, pengaplikasiannya juga gampang, warna juga pigmented dan harga juga ok lah buat product made in Japan yah krn belinya wkt itu sih titip2 jadi ga berasa kantong bolong but terakhir stop repurchase krn pernah dapat satu baru dipake sebentar trus bocor gitu, jadi wasted dan dibuang krn kasus bocor itu, so sejak itu langsung berpaling ke lain hati dan pakenya maybelline donk sampe sekarang



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

02 Jun 2018

Ga Bisa berpaling deh...
Ini eyeliner ternyaman yg pernah aku pakai. mataku agak sensitif, salah pake eyeliner blobor dikit masuk mata malah bikin bintitan/timbilan/belekan.

1 pensil gini ya enaknya ga gampang kering, tintanya keluarnya dikit2, sesuai brp klik kita tekan ujungnya. kalo aku pakai tiap hari rutin gt bisa sampe 1 tahun.

dan akhirnya setelah coba2 lainnya pun saya balik ke Majolica majorca lg.
yg jelas dia ga blobor jd panda gt. tp spt ky rontok gt kalo misal aku nangis.
lgs disappear gt.
so far aku masih setia pake ini sejak 2011 sampe wkt yg blm ditentukan.



40 - 44

Combination, Light, Warm

03 Feb 2018

My one and only go to product when it comes to eyeliner. I couldn’t live without eyeliner ~read the story of monoloid eyes. Been in search of good waterproof eyeliner that wont smudge, i’ve tried tons of gel liner from drug store to high end brand and all of them smudge leaving me with panda eyes. Found this brand when i was travelling 6 years back and i fell in love with it eversince... no more panda eyes..



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Warm

08 Aug 2016

THIS IS MY HOLY GRAIL!. It is super easy to apply, very black and last all day even when i was in the ocean snorkelling.All of my office mates love it and always borrow it for me. But since i bought this when i was in Japan, it was very worth the money (it only costs 1200 Yen which converts to around 148.800 and if you buy it from PO Japan it can costs up to 350.000) so you have got to ask people if they go to japan to buy this or stocked up while you are there, buying from PO is ridiculously expensive i should say. It has this tiny click at the bottom of the pen to make the products out. at first i didnt know and hated it for a few days since i feel the colour is so pure..turned out i didnot click it -_- silly me