Colourpop Cosmetics Super Shock Shadow - Beauty Review

Colourpop Cosmetics

Super Shock Shadow


Rp. 65.625



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

01 Aug 2016

suka bangettttt sama formulanya colourpop eyeshadow! they're rich & pigmented, so in loveeee! teksturenya menurutku unik sih, dia itu cream to powder finish, just like their blushes. Untuk aplikasinya sih menurutku better pake tangan supaya lebih mudah dan pigmented, baru setelah itu diblend dengan blending brush, atau bisa juga pake flat syntetic brush supaya warnanya keangkat. Btw si hustle ini cantik bgt warnanya, deep cranberry gitu, untuk dibikin smokey look cakep banget. Kalo suka dengan warna2 eyeshadow cranberry, I recommend this one!



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

17 Jun 2016

I expected a warmer color from this shade but it turns out to be a cool-toned deep violet on me. The formula really is as everyone has mentioned, it is somewhat moussey that sets into powder. I haven't tried any different finish of their eyeshadow apart from "matte", but I find this to be quite hard to pick up with shadow brush and hard to blend as well. I intended to use this for crease color but I got a little frustrated with blending it out so it almost always ends up with one lid color eyeshadow. For packing onto the lid, I much prefer using fingers than brush because the color payoff seems to be much better. The staying power is not bad, it's not waterproof but there's always a good primer and setting spray to save the day. For its price, disregarding the shipping and taxes cost, I can see myself trying out different colors and finish. But if it's full price + shipping + taxes, I don't think I'd ever try another matte finish eyeshadow from them again. Maybe I'll consider it when it's on sale.



18 and Under

Normal, Light, Neutral

14 Dec 2015

harganya agak pricey sih buat single shadow. waktu nyobain pertama kali warnanya pigmented banget dan gampang banget diblend. sekali swatch pake jari aja warnanya langsung keluar banget. sayangnya case nya menipu, ternyata isinya gak setebel case nya haha xD overall it's okay



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

30 Sep 2015

sebenarnya sih ini agak mahal ya buat single eye shadow. emang sih warnany macem2 dan cantik2 banget. pigmented pula jadi pake dikit udh oke lah. cuma tempatnya bulky bngt, kirain isisnya dalem eh gataunya dikit bngt, trus tempatnya gampang pecah lagi. karna aku suka sama warnyanya, jadi aku dikit2 ja pakenya..



35 - 39

Normal, Medium, Warm

17 Sep 2015

sebenrnya aku suka bgt,ga nyangka kalo merk ini warna nya keluar juga. cuma packaging nya terlalu tebel,gendut. kekurangannya adalah eyeshadownya fragile bgt . aku punya 3 warna itu pecah smua. walaupun aku re-press trus ga lama retak2 lagi,. tapi aku suka warna2nya pigmented bgt



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

16 Sep 2015

Nggak terlalu maniak sama brand ini, karena harganya lumayan mahal untuk single eyeshadow. Punya juga buat koleksi saja, karena banyak dupe yang tersedia dari brand lokal.
Mudah2an dollar turun jadi harga brand luar bisa lebih bersahabat.
Kalo kualitasnya lumayan ok kok



25 - 29

Normal, Medium, Warm

13 Sep 2015

si colourpop ini warnanya emg cantik cantik sih ya, ga norak dan wearable bgt walaupun cuma buat iseng iseng hangout atau kemana. warnanya juga terbilang pigmented bgt tanpa harus pake base dulu. cuman kalo menurutku dia termasuk eyeshadow yg ringkih, jd harus pinter pinter narohnya, krn kalo udah crack biasanya jd males gitu mau pakenya lg hehe



30 - 34

Oily, Light, Neutral

07 Sep 2015

Warnanya bagus banget dipake. Wearable satin purple yang very versatile. Warnanya sebenernya mix antara purple, burgundy sama coklat gtu.. kalo di sheer out warna ungunya keluar tapi kalo di bener bener di pack eyeshadownya, lebih deeper jadinya. Texturenya unik dan walaupun moussy dia ga crease di oily lid aku.



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Colourpop Cosmetics