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03 May 2019
Pigmented sangat, waterproof, smudgeproof, awet tahan seharian. Gampang diblend sama warna-warna lain (kalo aku sih berhubung amatiran ya paling hitam, atau putih yg shimmer atau glitter). Dipake sehari-hari oke banget.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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26 Feb 2017
Ini sih gilaaaak ga usah ditanya lagi. Pgmentasinya agak brownish sdkt merah gt di mata. Awett bgd dpke shrian tnp primer. Pke ini j udh bagus bgd! Berasa dandan susah, pdhl pke ini j! Unik pke bgd khusus wrna ini. Ky coklat dn maroon yg dgabungin pas d apply! Uk jg gedee bgd. Udh 3bln tp blm kliatan mw hbs. Pdhl pke tiap hr pas ngantor
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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08 Oct 2015
This is the eyeshadow that I used for my lazy days. just pack this in my entire lid, add some mascara and I'm good to go. I can achieve a soft and subtle daytime look even a smokey one. Since this hella expensive eyeshadow (2g) I'm pretty happy with my colour pick get a big amount of product. I bought this at MUFE stores also with a single palette cost around 70K. Funny stories, Aku nggak minta buat ngambil palette juga, awalnya aku kirain gratis eh taunya bayar. Please note kalau yang nggak mau purchase palettenya juga be aware kalau SA-nya masukin ini ke dalam nota without asking. Tapi syukurnya palette ini guna banget karena packagingnya sleek dari plastik yang kokoh gitu dengan clear case jadi ga makan tempat, juga aman.
This is my first ever make up forever eyeshadow, I didn't do a research or read any review I just believe of the reputation of make up for ever as a brand ahahaa M-656 is a matte finish, a warm mid tone brown. The texture of the shadow is very soft, so soft in my opinion, I feel like this shadow is so finely mild. one that I notice, every time I dip my brush with heavy handed it kinda break down the product, not very powdery but it does give a sign that will gonna be a fall out in the application if I don't follow to tap to removes the excess. For the application any kind of brush will do, I've try it with flat, fluffy, tapered, synthetic and real hair. But not so much with hand.
The performa thou is also amazing it last along time on my oily lid. I wear this 7-8 hours and it still look pretty with a little fading. This shadow succeed to intrigue me to buy another shadow from the artist shadow collection.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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