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24 Jun 2017
Entah sudah repurchase berapa kali saking sukanya dengan produk ini. Works like wonder. Dan tidak berwarna & tidak berasa "tebal" di eyelids ?
Bikin eyeshadow drugstore-ku stand out & bertahan seharian.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
09 Aug 2016
Aku suka teksturnya yang creamy tapi ga terlalu lengket jadi ga perlu di set pake bedak atau nude eyeshadow. Klo pake ini eyelid aku bebas minyak dan ga pernah ngalamin creasing sama sekali. Worth the price!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
04 Aug 2016
I LOVE THIS PRODUCT SO MUCHHHHHHBeli ini karena Urban Decay Primer Potionku hilang entah kemana, dan baca-baca review ini katanya dupenya UD, so I thought I should give it a try and it is worth to buy!Harganya terjangkau, kalau beli PO pas diskon tambah asyik lagi deh harganya. Pakai ini sebagai primer eyeliner dan eyeshadow yang biasanya gak keluar warnanya dan gak awet, jadi makin pop warnanya dan makin awet. Teksturnya juga mudah untuk di-blend tapi mesti langsung di-blend soalnya dia nge-setnya cepet, kalau ditinggal agak lamaan, bakal susah untuk di-blend. Trus aplikatornya juga enak, mudah digunakan. So overall, this product is da bomb!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
12 Jul 2016
This eyeshadow primer is a sticky base and it gives u a good coverage. It covers up any discolouration on your skin. A little goes a long way, at first I used way to much and it makes the eyeshadow patchy and the eyeshadow didn't look as pigmented as I hope it will. However, if you just put a little, it will blend well and make your eyeshadow a champ. Stay put all day and very opaque. I love the packaging, the wand and everything. I don't like you apply product with my fingers, so it's a win for me. Price wise I think its okay, not to expensive.Ps: I also use this primer for my brows, it makes my brow product long lasting and more opaque. You should try it too ;)
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
30 May 2016
Banyak yang mereview kalau produk ini dupenya urban decay primer potion. And guess what? It really is! Teksturnya yang smooth and silky. Literally vanishes on my eyelids and no residue or hint of colour. They stay put all day long. I mean, I just start to see very very less creasing at the corners of my eyes after a good 8 hours. Will i repurchase this again? Oh yessss!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
13 Nov 2015
(+) Affordable price
(+) Slim packaging so it doesn't take much space
(+) Definitely prolongs the eyeshadow staying power on my oily and hooded lids for a few hours
(+) Able to intensify the eyeshadow color but only until a certain level
(+) Has creamy texture and quick to set in
(+) Haven't experienced any creasing
(-) Not able to make the eyeshadow color super intense
(-) Not sold locally so only available at online shops
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
30 Oct 2015
Eyeshadow primer dengan harga terjangkau. Kualitas cukup baik tapi tdk sampai wow banget. Warna nude, tekstur creamy, gampang dibaurkan, lumayan bikin warna eyeshadow jadi lebih kelihatan, dan eyeshadow juga jadi lebih tahan lama.
Lumayan untuk harga yg bersahabat
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
26 Oct 2015
harga primer mineral dari elf ini harganya paling terjangkau :D kualitasnya cukup oke :)
bisa membuat eyeshadow lebih nyata warnanya walau tidak terlalu maksimal.. agak sulit untuk meratakan
repurchase ? maybe :D *masih dalam pencarian*
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
20 Oct 2015
Worth to buy! Banyak yg bilang ini dupe untuk UD primer potion, but well honestly ga terlalu setuju juga sih hehe
Tapi dengan harga yang murah, kualitas yang oke, siapa yg tidak tertarik?
Staying power eyeshadow dengan primer ini di oily skin aku +- 6 jam, warna eyeshadow lumayan keluar, cuman sayang ga seberapa suka dengan teksturnya. Agak kasar. But i really dont care if i can buy this with cheap price :p
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :