NYX The Adorable Shadow Palette - Beauty Review


The Adorable Shadow Palette

Rp. 205.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

15 Aug 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

This one was one of the eyeshadow palette that I bought back then in 2015-16. The color is so natural and it's perfect for daily use. I use it for almost every day for around 2 years. The content of each shade is much for me because I cannot empty it thoroughly. Sadly, it's not that pigmented, so I have to use primer to make it more pigmented. I still need more effort to apply this product, so it's minus 1 star. It's not that convenient to use this when I'm in such a rush.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Centro



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

31 Aug 2020

diviayur doesn't recommend this product!

Ini juga termasuk eyeshadow yg travel friendly, karena kemasannya simple dan warnanya jg natural.. Cmn sayangnya warnanya kurang pigmented:( ekspetasi aku bakalan sepigmented itu, ternyata kurang, dan harus di aplikasiin berulang kali buat dapetin warna yg aku mau:(

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

13 Oct 2019

Elmyrra doesn't recommend this product!

Hmm.. bukan pecinta dan pengguna eye makeup sih.. tp klo dilihat dr org awam seperti gw.. ini makeup wrna nya ga keluar.. apa krna yg seri adorable ini? Nthlah ga ngerti jg.. cumaa so so bgt sih ini produk

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Metro



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

01 Sep 2019

udah hampir 1,5 tahun pake pallete ini,bagi yg suka pake eyeshadow yg pgn keluar bgt warnanya pasti bakal gk suka produk ini,tp aku emg tipe yg gk mau terliat bgt pake eyeshadow,karena aku gk punya kelopak jg sih,packagingnya oke bgt utk traveling



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

12 Feb 2019

I actually got this eyeshadow palette from my sister because she decided to not use this palette anymore. I started using it about two and a half years ago. I liked the colors because they were wearable for daily. They were not that pigmented but I was happy with how they looked on my eyes. I recommend anyone who would like to wear this eyeshadow palette to use an eyeshadow primer so that the colors will be more pigmented on your eyes.



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

02 Feb 2019

kecewa sih sama warnanya. gak sepigmented itu. padahal lumayan pricey . tapi ini eyeshadow pertama aku. sebelum brand local menjamur kayak sekarang. repurchase? big NO. so sorry Nyx. maybe other product.



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

16 Aug 2018

patah hati bangettt kirain sebagus produk nyx lainnya, yg ini warnanya gak gtu pigmented kalo gak pake base eyeshadow gak keluar bgt gtu warnanya.
menurutku gak worth it bgt sih sama harganya, masih banyak eyeshadow pigmented yg harganya lbh murce dari nyx pdhl hampir semua nyx aku suka 😪



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

28 Jun 2018

pallete ini biasa banget ... pigmentasinya so so gak semua warna keluar ... Ini cukup blendable tapi kurang long last ... Good side nya pemilihan warnanya oke bgt!! Pas bgt utk travelling krn warnanya neutral dan bisa dipake utk natural dan bisa juga bikin soft glam look ! tapi kalo dicompare sama yg harganya sekelas ini ... masih kalah sih banyak bgt yg masih lebih bagus lagi. :)



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

25 Jun 2018

Eyeshadow pallete yang pertama kali aku beli pas jaman SMA. Karena dulu belum ngerti apa-apa, akhirnya aku putusin buat beli palette ini (asal pilih aja).
Warnanya kurang pigmented, bahkan ada beberapa warna yang sama sekali gak keluar:(



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

22 Jun 2018

Ini eyeshadow nyx yang pertama aku coba. Pilihan warnanya bagus bagus dan bisa banget dipakai daily. Lumayan pigmented juga. Lumayan tahan lama dan fallout nya biasa aja. Untuk remaja dan beginner atau yang suka natural look mungkin bisa coba ini.
