Em cosmetics Shade Play Artist Eye Palette - Beauty Review

Em cosmetics

Shade Play Artist Eye Palette

Bali Bronze

Rp. 333.438



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30 - 34

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Oct 2018

Michelle Phan was one of my fave YouTuber. Jadi waktu dia ngeluarin Em, aku semangat buat nyobain. Unfortunately, dengan harga yang ga murah, aku ga dapet kualitas yang seharusnya. Apalagi ada dibawa naungan L’Oreal. Eyeshadow nya ga enak bgt buat di blend. Warnanya gada satupun yang Paid off. Yang agak mendingan sih kayanya lipstick nya. Selebihnya blah.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

04 Nov 2015

nyobain ini gara2 yang jualan si Michelle Phan, tapi bener-bener gak worth dan konon katanya line kosmetik EM ini udah mau tutup. ya iyalah, mahal, kualitas drugstore, gak worth sama sekali untuk dibeli karena gak ada nilai plusnya cuman jualan nama Michelle Phan aja

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

09 Sep 2015

Michelle Phan was one of the first youtubers I have watched. Despite of the controversies surrounding her success now, as some people claim her to be 'fake', changed a lot, did some plastic surgeries etc etc. What I know is , she seems to be a lovely person. She achieved a lot through youtube and is such an inspiration because she started from the bottom, she was just a girl next door and now she is one of 30 under 30 named by Forbes!
Her make up line however, was never that appealing for me. The mixed reviews and the rather expensive price didn't help either. But, I spotted this palette in a mint condition from a local blog sale for €10 only. Well, for that price, I thought why don't just give it a try?
The palette is named 'Bali Bronze' which I think is a very appropriate name. The color selection indeed reminds me of Bali and they work well together and compliment each other. And as I like to wear bronzy shades on the eyes, I was excited to play with this palette.
There are 6 shades of powder eye shadows in this palette. The palette is sturdy, has good weight to it and even though it looks a bit cheap from a far because of the white case ( my subjective view ), the case is actually really well made and weighty. The case also comes with a generous size of built in mirror and crappy applicators that I threw away directly.
Aside of the packaging, unfortunately the eye shadows are inconsistent in quality. The two matte and dark shades ( the black and coal ones ) are very hard pressed and barely give any color. On the other hand, the other 4 shimmering shades are smooth in texture and have good pigmentation only when applied over eye shadow primer. All of them don't really work well on their own. They are a bit powdery though but I don't really mind. The blend ability is okay but not the best. I think the dry texture makes them harder to blend.
After playing with it for a few times, I must say that the shades are a bit too warm and too goldie for my complexion. The shades tend to make me appear 'older' and not the most wearable for daily use. Upon receiving it ca 2 months ago, I have 'played' around with this palette for maybe 3 times and honestly I am not longing for more.

I overall think the palette is lacking in some aspects, and since the price is not that cheap, they should do more improvements in the future if they want to continue selling the product.

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Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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