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13 Oct 2024
anastasianovita88 recommends this product!
I bought it for 22.6k at shopee. It's very affordable. The shade is clear/transparent. The spatula is also sturdy enough. I like it because it helps my brow to have a clean aesthetic look/unmessy. The product also stays all day. I wear it for both daily and heavy make-up because it works so well. It can be found easily at any online marketplace so far. I may repurchase it in the future and recommend it to anyone who asks me about browcara.
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Shopee
02 Mar 2023
Mauleena doesn't recommend this product!
Ada harga ada rupa. Menurutku browcara ini ga begitu oke buat bikin feathery eyebrow karena boro-boro nurut sih si alisnya,malah kaya cuma ngolesin air doang 🥲 Yup, teksturnya watery banget entah emang begitu, atau aku dapat yang zonk. Pokoknya kaya ga ada perubahan signifikan gitu pake eyebrowcara ini apalagi warna clear. Saranku buat yang pengen coba mending pake yang ada warnanya aja sekalian hehe
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
18 May 2021
anggieeka doesn't recommend this product!
Gara gara ada ramadhan big sale kemarin liat harganya yang murce akhirnya langsung check out. Waktu dateng shock ternyata kecil karena ga baca baca deskripsi. Teksturnya cair bgt, biasa aja sih menurutku ga begitu bikin tegak alis, gabisa stay lama juga, spoolie nya agak kaku.
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Shopee
06 Feb 2021
ireneflorencia recommends this product!
Aku beli ini pas ada sale di salah 1 e-commerce, dan langsung beli 3 shade (natural grey, light brown dan clear). Seperti namanya, shade clear ini gaada warnanya, jadi dia cuma bikin alis aku jadi lebih rapi aja dan biasanya aku pake ini abis aku pake pensil alis biar alis lebih rapi tanpa ada tambahan warna 😊
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Shopee